
Imagine being the governor of a state and getting pwned by a 15-year old.

I’m curious, what is your main point? That it’s ok DeSantis refused to answer because some people won’t care about Jan. 6 in 10 years?

This came “after a brief interaction with the governor,” which saw Mitchell attempt to apologize for the backlash DeSantis faced over his question from June—

Move on? This wasn’t a natural disaster, it was a concerted action, planned and executed by criminals and terrorists. We will move on when they’re in jail.

And the “protect the children” crowd are once again the crowd that the children actually need to be protected from.

LOL I know plenty of people who haven’t moved on from 9/11, and while I don’t know for sure, I’d guess the primary reason is that we never removed or dealt with the underlying cause. Two decades, billions of dollars and thousands of soldiers’ lives later, the Taliban is still running wild in Afghanistan ruining the

I wonder how many people on board with this were the same people who lost their minds at the thought of a person tattling on another person for violating any COVID-19 restrictions.

Also, The Lilith Fund is an amazing name, though it probably has less to do with the mythology of Adam’s first wife and probably more to

Brought to you by the people who wept in fear and anger of the idea of enforcing ANYTHING that had to do with stopping the spread of a deadly communicable disease, if even half-measures for a short period of time. 

Uh...did you support January 6, or, failing that, spend months kissing the ass of the guy who organized and hoped to primarily benefit from January 6? No? Then you don’t need to justify it. Ron DeSantis does.

Honestly, not surprising that De Santis is threatened by this. He’s even more thin skinned and entitled than his Orange Overlord was. A bigger question is why the rest of the media left asking this question to a kid? If De Santis campaign didn’t have a canned answer ready for this incredibly obvious question, then

“Well, I’m a mother too. I know what you’re experiencing, and we’re all very afraid for our children—even if they’re exaggerating,” Casey reportedly told her...

the rite included a prayer circle in Schlapp’s office, which one person described as performative and inauthentic."

Nothing says free speech and American family values like silencing, intimidating and potentially assaulting a minor while calling him a liar in front of a bunch of people that witnessed the interaction.

Even if your favorite candidate is not running

It looks like it’s just trying to incentivize busybodies to sue people. So, e.g., an ex-boyfriend who wants to control his ex-girlfriend might sue someone who gave her a ride out of state because unborn baby.

Blatantly unconstitutional.

LOOK AT THE SMALL GOVERMENT! Seriously I can’t imagine the stupidity of the baseline republican or what they stand for at this point. 

Like many Republican policies, this only targets the poor. This wont affect those that can afford to fly out of state.

I don’t understand how this can be enforced. Are they planning on having checkpoints on the highway? Pulling over cars with women of child bearing age and forcing them to submit to pregnancy tests on the side of the road? Will they start doing the same thing at airports?

I don’t know exactly how close we are to state pregnancy registries and ankle monitors for “high risk” mothers, but I know that we are a hell of a lot closer than we should be.