
The laws allow anyone to sue a person or organization they think has violated the ordinance, though the woman seeking the abortion would be exempt.

Forcing people to travel north via undergound means has historically always been Good Guy behavior.

Jesus fucking Christ. 

This is a man who is supposedly a model of knowledge and understanding re: the application of said law, going back 200+ years. And yet, when it came to simple financial disclosure forms, we’re supposed to believe that he didn’t do it because he took some underlings advice that “it just wasn’t required”?

and approximately 1,182 feet (360 meters) below the lunar surface level

The ethically corrupt POS senator stole two Supreme Court noms from the Dems, so if he’s now turning into a gibbering idiot (even more so than the typical Donald-nazis), that’s fantastic.

It’d be pretty funny if the NASA probe could’ve had a “waste liquid leak” that landed on the crashed Russian lander.

And this jerkoff was selected to replace Thurogood Marshall.

Well...now my brain has locked up.

They’ve hated Mitch ever since he refused to fully penetrate Trump with his tongue, opting instead for frequent light rimmings. 

The utter hypocrisy - this is the same justice who declared that 35-foot buffer zones around abortion clinics to protect workers and patients from protesters in Massachusetts were a “violation of free speech”, and ignores the violence against reproductive healthcare providers:

She’s so fucking dumb she likely means mental acuity relating to cognitive decline, not mental health that usually relates to psychological/emotional states.

While she’s not wrong in what she’s saying (I’m sure we haven’t forgotten about Dianne Feinstein already, and neither she nor Mitch are alone in their parties’ ranks), I did think it a bit rich for Marjorie Taylor Greene, professional crazy person to specifically call out ‘mental health incompetence’.

Shitbird MTG better take a look in the mirror when criticizing anyone for “mental health incompetence”, pot, kettle...

To be fair he was planning on overturning Roe since 73 so he harassed women because they would be mad at him in the future. He murdered someone because they would be angred by his future ruling in 84.

I mean, he has a point. People WERE pretty irate and hostile to him about the Supreme Court overturning Roe V Wade, which forced him to start taking private jet trips from Harlan Crow in...

Hey if you didn’t try and enforce the rules on him he wouldn’t have to break the rules. Us fucking peasants should be greatful he hears our cases. A legal mind so great he is confused by his disclosure forms.

Fuck him, fuck the Supreme Court, fuck the GOP, fuck this country.

That’s right folks.....its your fault for being mad that he had to take these kush private plane flights instead of his usual economy class because you don’t like him or his nutbag wife.

Yet he’s going to turn right around and vote to overturn the buffer zone case without a trace of irony.