
Gerrymandering makes the whole “if the people of a state elect someone of one party” a bit of a sore spot though, doesn’t it?  Can you actually claim a mandate if the only reason you won was because the race was gerrymandered to hell and back?

Don’t look too hard for moral consistency from that crowd. Hypocrisy is actually viewed as a virtue by many of them.

I had the exact same idea. We always hear Republicans call their colleagues who are insufficiently cruel or nuttyRINOs”... well, fuck it, let's show these folks a real RINO.

and whatever that fact may imply”

He and Miss Lindsay should date. They can commute together.

Beshear would have to risk a legal challenge . . . or a Democrat who is ambitious for the role could “conveniently” switch their party registration to Republican, and then switch back afterwards.

Yeah, there’s a reason “lifelong bachelor” used to be a pretty breakable code phrase in earlier times.  I agree with Scott fully here - for likely the only time, about anything - but hey, he didn’t have to choose to be a Republican where any of this is a big problem.

I’m glad the season is getting a good review, but I didn’t read past the first couple of paragraphs — partially I want to avoid anything that even looks like a spoiler, but mostly because I don’t like this take that there was anything wrong with season three.

Super excited. It’s absolutely my favorite modern Trek show (although I need to watch more Strange New Worlds) because it’s both a hilarious parody of Trek while simultaneously being an excellent example of Trek.

Buhaha. ::Looks around.:: 

Aaaaaaand on cue, here comes the beard...

Yeah, he totally has a girlfriend. She just goes to another school so you don’t know her. Or he met her on vacation and she actually lives in Canada. So that’s why she’s not around ever. But she’s, like, totally real.

Trump has been married 3 times. Evangelicals are concerned Scott hasn’t been married enough?

Wait, is it that they’re worried about a sex scandal? Or that he’s in the closet? Or worse (for them), a gay sex scandal?

Perhaps he hasn’t found the right person who menstruates yet?

Must be tough to do the “my girlfriend goes to a different school, you wouldn’t know her” schtick when you’re a US senator.

Phew, glad we figured out why he’s polling so low with Republicans. It’s definitely because he’s not married and couldn’t be anything else!

Maybe the senior and junior Senators from South Carolina could get married.

It’s amazing how good this show is. I don’t think another franchise could do a funny, serious, heartfelt version of itself so perfectly, look up Star Wars: Detours if you want proof.

I love this show.