
This isn’t a democracy, or some board-driven campaign. Musk owns it outright. He’s never going to listen and he’s never going to back down. Your Twitter is dead. The sooner you recognize that, the sooner you can let it go.

Yeah, make the appellate court’s job super-easy by citing something applicable only to criminal sentences in this civil matter.

While he might not pay the whole thing, he’ll definitely have to pay a penny.  Judgments owed based on intentional torts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy.  So if he does get a job, his wages will be garnished, if he opens a bank account, those funds will be turned over to D.L., if he ever is owed a tax refund, that

Just for good measure, images of this clown should be posted EVERYWHERE on the internet, with the suggestion that he’s still due a few good ass-beatings. Sometimes karma needs a little help...

Must be all that free speech he loves while also trying to protect Trump from facing consequences for trying to overthrow the government.


And Elon is the guy with all the fanboys who are like “take me to Mars and be my God-Emperor, senpai!”

Let’s just agree to start calling it Xitter

Something-something-free speech absolutist-blah-blah-blah.  

What a little goober Elon is. Just an amazing ability to show how small and unintelligent he has always been.

What is it about being moon-faced, small-mouthed, and having your eyes too close together that makes people hard right?

This is enraging, but not surprising. Glad Holcomb is term-limited, but he’s going to continue to fuck shit up on his way out. He’s almost worse than the ones who shout their shit with a bullhorn because he doesn’t seem interested in national politics right away after his term, so he has no incentive to care what

As a female Hoosier, let me clarify any ambiguity: The far-right Republican government has no interest in protecting the rights of women. The giant festering slab of flesh AG Todd Rokita knows it’s politically expedient for him to champion against Dr. Bernard and against reproductive choice, so they spend all their

making it about his own ego and pride over Georgia’s election

If Greene had any good sense...”

Did it hurt writing that phrase?

What a gigantic asshole. Seriously, Republicans, be embarrassed. For fuck’s sake.  You are the scum of scum.

I’m embarrassed to say that my heart actually swelled upon hearing the fearless American rectitude in Fani Willis’ voice. I want more of that sound!

Hillary was looking absolutely radiant, lovely to see, Schadenfreude must be good for the complexion!

As if we require additional evidence that the MAGA crowd is most definitely a cult. Funny how they continue to use the same, tired and debunked talking points.