
Sorry to cut in but Trump just announced

Hey, every Republican saying and screaming that we Democrats better be worried because this can happen to your Presidents to:  Do it.  Go on, if it is so easy and our Presidents are as corrupt and treasonous as you claim, do it.  I dare you.  Impanel a Grand Jury in Rural Oregon and try to get Obama or Clinton or

And there should only be one ballot box for Democratic counties, and it should be as far away from any urban centers as possible, and not on any transportation routes. And it should be open for very generous early voting hours, say, from 6:53 a.m. to 6:57 a.m. on the Friday before the election.”

“This should be decided at the ballot box and not in the courts, and then again in the courts if we loose at the ballot box.”

Hold the phone, Ted Cruz is up next >.>

Watching all these bozos throw each other under the bus on live camera is going to be epic.

Amazing how Lindsey Graham once again manages to somehow, against all odds given the other people involved here, say the single dumbest fucking thing possible.

I feel profound sadness...

Thank you Giz for not making this a slideshow. 

If convicted in Georgia, Trump and Friends could not expect any sort of consideration for a pardon until at least five years of a sentence is served. The governor can’t just grant a pardon at any time with the stroke of a pen.

Heck, he did them all right out in the open, in front of everybody, and tweeted about it the whole time. Donny “Two Scoops” thought he was King of America, and he could run it like a two bit mob boss, but now he’s finding out, for real.

This is a “perfect indictment”!

Don’t forget all the interviews where he confesses to all his crimes.

If a sitting Vice President could individually decide that a state’s election were invalid and assign those electors at his own whim, then Al Gore is the most selfless, principled, man that ever lived.

Conspiracy theory: The plan is to pull a Merrick Garland and keep the positions open until Inauguration Day. If the GOP wins the presidency, they’ll want to appoint toadies so the Pentagon stays on side in the next autogolpe.

That’s the face and actions of little dick energy...

petrosexual maga will go additionally crazy over this one. 

It’s a single player RPG, and like the headline says it’s been 6 months after release with several high profile games that have launched in the interim and soaked up the limelight.