
Good I am tired of welfare drilling. It is not like oil companies are going broke. 

The party of manufactured grievances strikes again. It also shows how irrational and short-sighted this little display was. She didn’t think about any possible consequences because MTG and the GOP lack the ability to take the long view on anything. There could be both criminal and civil ramifications resulting from

As Pete Buttigieg said regarding DeSantis’ bullshit tactics, as a member of Congress who has sworn to serve her constituents, what purpose does this serve?

Don’t worry, the “party of law and order” will quickly excuse this complete violation of several laws with something that amounts to “its ok when WE do it”.

What a titanic abuse of official power and of precious government resources.

That sounded like a 3 1/2 minute mic test.

Boy, this episode bothered me. It was OK right up till, Oh it must be mysterious invisible aliens out there. Saw it a mile away. Then Uhura and Kirk go to Pike and say hey, its invisible aliens that are causing the hallucinations and we’re killing them.


They’re really giving Pike the shaft so far this season. This Kirk is growing on me, but they’re taking a decent amount of screentime from Anson Mount, who is probably my favorite captain since Picard. He deserves better. 

Paul Wesley’s Kirk is growing on me. He’ll never be Shatner, but he does an good take on the character, that it’s own thing and not a Shatner or a Chris Pine impression. I quite liked the exploration of Jim and Sam’s sibling relationship. As someone who has had a testy sibling relationship I get it. It’s kind of funny

I AM ABOLUSTELY GIDDY about next week’s episode.

I found this to be a solid, okay - but not remarkable - episode for a couple of reasons.

This would have been a hilarious corporate April Fools joke product commercial. 

And that screen is just sitting there; begging to be hacked to replace the animation with something more (less?) appropriate to the circumstances.

Ron knows he might be in trouble.
The presidential campaign is not going as planned right now.
We are also facing one of the hottest summers on record, which equals very warm water in the atlantic and the gulf.
If the El Nino in the pacific moves on before our hurricane season is over, there is a very real chance we

They’re leaving because of pure capitalism.  Corporations understand and see the damage climate change is having and they’re protecting their profits.  They see Florida as a lost cause. 

They’re a private company. The government of Florida doesn’t have the authority or right to force them to do business in their state. All they can really do is regulate any company that does business in their state. Farmers can tell Florida to get bent, and DeSantis can’t do doodly squat about it but whine. I hope

If you never test people for covid, then the case count falls to zero.

Farmers Insurance announced that it would not renew certain existing policies in Florida earlier this month. This move will affect auto insurance, home insurance, and policies that cover both. The decision was made by leadership in order to better manage risk exposure, especially as the state has seen increased risk

He is right. It is all the fault of Wokeness. If these Woke people did not constantly talk about climate change, there wouldn’t be so many hurricanes and tornadoes.