
The state’s written motion  to dismiss the suit accuses the women of trying to “conjure standing by imagining a future scenario wherein they might be harmed,” all but erasing what’s already happened to them and reducing their gutting stories to hypotheticals.

Their experiences with being denied care are “tragic, but in the past,” a state attorney said.

She’d like you to please call her by her real name now: Alana Thompson.”

...so her boyfriend was already an adult when he started dating a teenager.”

At least Honey Boo Boo is going to college.

In case you’d like to feel old this morning, Thompson is turning 18 in August, and graduated from Wilkinson County High School this year. She’s preparing to go to college later this year, and has been dating 21-year-old Dralin Carswell for two years.

Same. I’ve read it twice. Not wasting any more time on that word salad. 

I gotta admit, my first thought was, “Uhhh I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have the biological parents’ names on a birth certificate,” but for removing their names (admittedly, I didn’t realize you can have more than two parents’ names on a birth certificate) to have such a drastic effect on their rights is fucked

I wish I could figure out what the fuck you’re talking about.

He’s been trying to thwart the Dems at every turn, this is the next logical step. The only thing I’m wondering is if he’ll ask Sinema to be his running mate.

I’ve read plenty of articles about people who won large settlements in injury lawsuits because even though they were illegally trespassing on someone else’s property, they suffered injuries by doing something like falling in an empty pool that wasn’t “properly hazard proofed”. Can’t this 19 year old sue the living

I’m suuuuuper curious who is funding “No Labels.” I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same rightwing groups behind RFK Jr’s campaign.

“DPS spokesperson Travis Considine told the newspaper that no anti-water policy exists.”

It only means you are a “far left loon” to “far right loons” and their lying news sources.

The “crisis” at the border is one of inhumane policies and inhumane treatment towards the human beings seeking a better life in this country than they can get in the country they are coming from (not to mention a major contributor to conditions being so dire in so many of those countries has been decades and decades

Me watching Zuckerberg and Elon try to out-dick one another:

There’s no more objective, unarguable “truth” nowadays. They could release photos of aliens, preserved body parts of them, and craft remnants and ~50% would scream “fake!”. On the other hand, they could declare they have no proof of anything, and ~50% will scream “cover-up!”.

Found one asshole even the aliens wouldn’t probe.

It also depends on WHAT the rate limit is. Twitter’s rate limits for non blue checks were pathetically low, you could run out of tweets in 5-10 minutes if you were scrolling briskly. If Meta’s rate limits are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, that’s not a huge deal.

I am loath to defend anything Meta and especially Threads, but rate limiting in and of itself isn’t necessarily bad and can be a tool to prevent bot spamming. But because Musk is a dolt it was implemented on Twitter in the most haphazard and ham-fisted manner possible so it was, as is now tradition, a total debacle.