
NASA could operate fully with the spare change that the military throws away.

Boy there’s an apple that fell faaaaaar from the tree.

We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...wait...it costs how much? Nevermind then, we can’t raise taxes on the 1% to help pay for that!

something something leopards, faces.

Sad, they had such chemistry together.

Cotton is an asshole, it’s not an affectation or act. He’s a pure, unadulterated asshole.

Let’s be honest, neither of these two want women in uniform in the first place. They want the white women home squeezing out babies and the rest of them working in menial service jobs.

I don't think taxpayers should be paying for boner pills. If God wanted you to have a functioning dick, She would have given you one already. Same goes for your prostate. 

Keep white knighting for that WHITE washed up actresses. You keep throwing that pedo comment around, go re-read what I said. I callled Jonnah Hill a creeper, and called that woman a clout chasing bitch.

Go jump in front of a bus you bigot, the world would be better with you dead.

And please remember that Iowans had a chance to vote her out less than a year ago, but they didn’t!

Yes, let's put an incredibly unpopular poison pill into must-pass legislation. And I'm sure the Republicans will be shocked when it fails.

This stupid fucking game.

Part of the dropping engagement must be new people using it a lot for the first time, and then dropping down to normal levels once they've explored it. 

I could be wrong, but I’m guessing “Threads” is the new “Google+”, a bunch of initial hype, because everyone hates the current social media platforms, only for it to die off, because people hate the new social media platform AND none of their friends are on it.

Anything Zuckerberg is actively bad for you.

When I open the app, it’s a wall of influencers and brands posting the most boring things possible. What gets engagement on Instagram (people being hot) doesn’t make for good content on a text-based app (being smart or funny). They really need to change the algorithm to serve up good content, not content from people

White republicans keep showing us who they are , but yet we should be civil with these monster?

Any app that won’t launch in the EU over ‘regulatory concerns’ is actively bad for you.

But is it remarkable, or even surprising, really?

Tommy Tuberville hates the troops. Tommy Tuberville hates women. Tommy Tuberville hates himself.