
Also, this part:

Let’s see if I have this right:

This line of shit is the same spin job Jessa Duggar gave after her abortion too.

welp theres gonna be a lot more people who are suddenly 18 making accounts coming out of no where

No drag queens?  I’m shocked!

Yeah but none of those pastors got in trouble because they explained to their congregations how that eight year-old tempted them. Religion makes it super easy to be a scumbag.

This here ^ , 1000 times this.

This. All day, everyday this. Organised religion has done more harm, caused more conflict, generated more separation and division than any other force in human history.

Organized religion is a cancer on the human race.

Are they ever going to do anything post-Rise of Skywalker? That’s the only period right now that is uncharted territory. I get that the new trilogy isn’t as beloved as the original, but the story has to move forward at some point.

Strange how they claim female pastors are a precursor to sexual immorality when almost all of the sex abuse, pedophilia and impropriety accusations and proof can be laid at the feet of male pastors.

I just wish one of these coward ass television/video game producers would have the balls to actually create a star wars property that isn’t orbiting the movies. KOTOR is one of the most beloved star wars games of all time, and it’s set 4000 years before luke ever held his father’s lightsaber.

There’s so much fertile

Fuck religion. If you’re an adult who believes in fairy tales, then your opinion doesn’t matter.

Same here; Grandpa Tangent perforated Nazis in WWII. He’d say punching is letting them off easy.

Jesus: Turn the other cheek.

I mean, that’s the GOP’s official stance right? So that tracks. I think they’re not supposed to say it out loud though.

Only here, in the fourth level of hell, would a woman like Marjorie Taylor-Greene have any input whatsoever on anything to do with the CDC. 

I’d also like to talk to you on behalf of all the pregnant women—not people as you call them.” - MTG

MTG: “Women aren’t people.”

Generally, it comes from accumulating too much debt through expansions and mergers when times are good, then, sales slump and suddenly, you’re in trouble.