
Imagine going to a conference for young women in leadership only to have one speaker after another tell you you’re nothing but a uterus on stilts…

According to Peltz, Kirk instructed the young woman to “spend a couple of days with infants and see how she feels afterward,”

You should strive to be more like your grandmother.

These people are beyond disgusting.

I mean, any question starting with “Charlie, do you know”...

The magic of Turning Point USA is that she doesn’t have to choose.

Black women. 

I was also struck by this quote: “You should strive to be more like your grandmother.”

I swear to Christ, if that sound byte isn’t in every single Democratic PAC’s ads by tomorrow morning, there is no hope for the Democratic party to ever figure out how to effectively brand themselves and their opponents. 

Surprised they weren’t handing out red cloaks.

There is a strong correlation between the religious right “Quiver-full” movement and white nationalism. Gotta fight that great replacement! Owens is just kidding herself if she doesn’t think they would hang her in a heartbeat if the country went fascist.

Does Candace Owens hate women or Black people more?

“Choose between the surgery career you say you want and the family you say you don’t.”

Charlie, do you know what a “choice” is?

Sounds like a whole lotta Kinder, Küche, Kirche to me.

VAERS has zero scientific value. It’s a tool for self-reporting & you know who has a biased view of vaccines, and are therefore motivated to lie to give themselves and other weak-minded individuals cover for their weak-mindedness?

I know guys, maybe we can just breed more voters?”

But this strategy makes sense. They know they can’t win without women so rather than convince them to vote, they’re telling them not to altogether.

Phyllis Schlafly also had nannies, but that detail never made it into her speeches.

“Every ill that we are fighting right now in society has been brought forth by women.”

Republicans are the American Taliban. These people are ruthless zealots and must be stopped.