
Yep, read it and totally agree.  Everyone in the country should read it.

Straight to Russia!

I hope he dies ignored and lonely in a prison hospital bed.

You know your legal position is not a good one when OJ is giving you unsolicited constructive criticism.

My point is, I don’t know if Donald’s lawyers are stressing this to him. If they’re not, they should be fired and he should sue ‘em.”

The indictment’s been unsealed. He’s got on co-conspirator: Walt Nauta.

i hope he dies a horrible death

And the hits just keep comin! Tell me how she’s not a lying hypocrite?

Wow, where have you been? When she began her political run, the world was pretty much introduced to her as “the gun-themed restaurant owner from Colorado.” One of the main selling points is the fun fact the staff are all strapped as they go about their food service duties.

Boebert is *exactly* the type of person you sort of knew in high school who you *have* to stay Facebook friends with because she’s nonstop drama, fights, 911 calls, text screenshots, etc.

Archambault told the tabloid he and Boebert “were good friends” who “were together all the time,” admitting that he “spent a lot of time at their house, hanging out with her, helping her, as a friend would do.” But, he says, “there was nothing sexually, no. We were real close at one time, but it never got to that

Wait, what? Her what themed restaurant?  I feel like we’re skipping some pretty major bits of information here. Just how cuckoo pants is this nutcase?


There are also some pretty major decisions that have yet to be released, so there is still time for them to cause considerable more damage.

He’s one of the men in history.

likely be pushed back to 2026 instead of 2025

As the man said, “only the good die young.”

I want to consider this a win... but all I can see is a cycle.  IE in 2024 they still haven’t drawn an acceptable map, they get sued but gosh darn it, it is still too close to an election for us to make a new one for them.  And on and on and on until 2030 when the Census changes things again. 

Political affiliation, unlike race, is not a protected class.