
Their first mistake was buying the Cybertruck in the first place. The rest is causality in real time playing out which stems from their first mistake.

I mean this discovery just begs the JWST to take a look at it. 

I’m not necessarily against psi-ops campaigns, b/c they do have their place and uses in regards to national security and interests, but this is one that didn’t seem necessary, needed, or helpful. If anything it only served to fuel the anti-vax movement which has been detrimental to our collective public health the

Living in a homeless encampment would still be too good Alex Jones to reside in. 

So woke won after all. DeSantis was only ever posturing but he still hurt people along the way all for an ego trip that resulted in his humiliation.
Life lesson to be learned in there somewhere, I’m sure. 

I’ve gotten wise to scammers on grindr. A few useful tips to avoid this:

He is so stupid he probably thinks bitcoin mining is like digging for coal. Why else would he mention energy independence regarding a crypto-currency that is energy sucking?

Sounds like someone needs his “safe space.” 

Yeah and notice literally NONE of us are whining about a “rigged court room,” “weaponized DOJ,” “conflicted judge,or it’s all a “witch hunt?” Somehow I doubt you have the same maturity level as the rest of us. 

Maybe if they all had the same haircut as the primary villain, sure. 

I think I’d rather see Star Trek: Legacy be made more than one about the academy in the 32nd century. Nothing against the actor, as I think he’s great. But this show seems like it’s already on wobbly legs regarding plot. 

Oh great, as if I didn’t see enough of space farmer peasants swinging farm equipment around in slow motion already!?  

Historians are going to call this era in history: “The Big Rich Man Baby Era”

Ngl, this does look very promising. 

It’s “a free speech issue”????

No, it’s a fraud issue. 

I’m genuinely hopeful about this game. Despite the ok-ish Star Wars TV series the recent Star Wars games I have immensely enjoyed, having now played thru Jedi Survivor several times over and still enjoy going back to it. So I look forward to this one and playing the scoundrel.

At this point, if Musk said the sky was blue, I’d look out a window before I’d believe him. So when he says he’ll “prioritize longtime shareholders,” you can safely assume he’ll squander it all on Twitter, the platform I refuse to refer to as ‘X’. 

I’ve watched the first 2 episodes. I think the show has potential but like everything, we’ll see where it goes. There was a lot I could see this developing into which gave me hope, but there were a couple things which irked me particularly with Master Sol.
I can’t remember the particular scene exactly, but there was

You forgot the “border” too. That only ever seems to be a problem when the right isn’t in power, despite the fact it never really changes from one admin to another.

Also sided w/ Putin over our own intelligence agencies, kissed North Korea’s dear leader’s @$$ for nothing in return, freed 5000 Taliban terrorists, left our Kurdish allies to be slaughtered, racked up $8 trillion in debt in 4 years, and we never once got the wall we were promised Mexico would pay for, a better