
Yeah a convicted felon for the presidency is a great idea!

Oh yeah, it’s the wine I’m drinking that’s the cause of my cardiac stress on flights!?
Sure, Jan!?

What polls are you looking at? All the ones done in March prior to the case even starting showed there was a wide swing to Biden over any conviction including this one. It’s still too early to tell but I’m looking forward to seeing what comes about it. 

Boeing needs to step up its game. 

A civilly liable rapist who’s also a traitor and a billionaire man child are not the people we need making decisions for the rest of us.

The man literally understands less than RFK Jr does.

Looking forward to his coming conviction so we can finally, as a nation, flush that turd.

These are laws which are solutions to non-existent problems.

Religion is getting desperate for new followers if this is what they stoop to as “miracles.”
What utter and pure unadulterated non-sense.  

Oh, great, another back in time story that’s already been done several times over. How original!? 

Biden is not the president of Israel and Congress controls the purse strings. Scream in CAPS all you want, nothing changes the fact he is doing everything within the confines of his constitutional power he can. He literally just opened an aide port in record time despite Israel’s objections to doing so. He can’t just

Right Trump only relentlessly bombed Syria, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Somalia. Drone strikes increased 432% under him. He surrendered completely to the Taliban and released 5000 of their terrorists back into the world. Killed 1 million Americans b/c he only “happy talked” a deadly virus. Stole and

This would have disqualified, and should, any one back in the normal times from ever getting close to an elected office, let alone the White House. Trump has done serious generational damage to our country and the body politic.

Do you honestly think Trump would do anything to save the Paletstinians? Really? Biden is working towards a cease fire where Trump would literally let Netanyahu commit genocide without any concern for the innocent lives lost. There’s no comparison

That and the pod racing scene are really the only “good” parts to the film. And even those, let’s just say, I have questions. 

If it wasn’t for JarJar Binks and George Lucas’ robotic writing style, where lines felt like they dropped liked bricks, it’d be a great movie! And then if what followed wasn’t analogous to the charred remains of Anakin’s body after losing the high ground, the prequel series would’ve been fantastic! But alas, time

Regardless of him writing some book about bringing back humanity to the internet, I’m still highly suspicious of any billionaire who claims they want to make something better. It has been a long time since that animal has been seen in its natural habitat. 

... yet.

I remember the same argument made by anti-vaxxers during COVID. “Well I’ve been to plenty of group gatherings and nothing ever happened to us it’s all a ‘scamdemic!? yuck yuck yuck yuck”
And then came the tearful social media pleas for prayers and donations.

There’s a wider world outside your bubble. 

On one hand I have a general concern for people’s safety b/c you don’t want to see anyone hurt.

They really are quite something special!? I mean it takes a special breed of pony to say in the same post that it both accepts FDA approval while calling into question the FDA approved vaccine. Just pure MAGA cognitive dissonance.

Except does nothing against viruses and can be harmful if not taken properly and for its intended purposes.

The rest of what you said tells me everything I need to know about you.
Now, go guzzle some bleach. Your dear leader told you it is safe!