
Why oh why couldn’t Ivermectin be more harmful to humans? 

Not seeing any down sides to that. 

This is so tell me you haven’t looked at the labor market statistics without telling me you haven’t looked at the labor market statistics. 

Notice the silence when they are confronted with inconvenient truths about their unjustifiable positions? 

those are almost all part time minimum wage jobs that no one wants.”

This quite literally is not true. You can read which sectors are growing the fastest and always at the top of the charts is healthcare. The whole “it’s only min wage paying jobs” is false just based on the numbers that come out monthly. It’s not hard

They should just “Cricket” her product from their website and be done with it.

Sorry, but this product is no longer available. It was so bad that we had to take it out and shoot in a gravel pit in front of construction workers.” 

Just like “fetch,” Star Trek 4 is never going to happen.

They really do any and all they can to do damage and dismantle our democracy. 

The “pro-life” people turn out to not actually be “pro-life” shocking no one with a functional brainstem. 

For all the lying this man does can we just say it’s real?

I have no sympathy for anyone who thinks working for any of Musk’s companies is a good idea.

Pretty sure Elon dunks on himself, they’re just reporting on his own self pawning.

There was life before TikTok, there will be life after TikTok.
It’s just an app folks and there will be something in its place soon enough. There always is.

I agree with most of what you are saying except for the part where Netanyahu is not the problem. In my viewing, he is very much the problem. He has been in power far too long, has been the roadblock to any meaningful peace or resolution to conflict, he has surrounded himself with extremist cabinet officials that have

Let me put it this way, I disagree with how Israel has treated Palestinians and have been a vocal opponent to the settlements for decades b/c I was aware that this would be the result. But I also disagree with Hamas and what they have done and how they treat their own people.
The very last thing I am is a “zionist.”

I wouldn’t call Republicans delaying military aide to Israel, largely for meaningless political points, for 6 months exactly “giving unwavering and unconditional support to Israel.”
But also, I’m not in a cult sooooooooooo...

Trump supporters saying they would keep their dollars invested in Trump Media, even as the price falls.”

There’s a a fairly well known statement about fools and their money being easily parted. 

2 people I wish I never had to hear about or from again:

It still baffles me how anyone would ever consider going into business with Trump considering all the bones of former “loyalists” he leaves behind in his wake of destruction.
November’s choice is clear tho: Reason over Treason.

It was always a fad. But crossfit people can be rather cultish in their training so I’ve seen a lot of them jump into it like a kid doing a cannonball in a pool.