
Amazing how many things the right wants to ban all in the name of “FREEEEEEDUMMMMMMMMMMB”

There are hints all over the place if you know what to look for. My gaming friends and I, aka fellow patriots in arms fighting together for managed democracy, noticed everything from destroyed mechs, before there were mechs. Now we’re seeing destroyed warthog looking vehicles, flying bug corpses, and also corpses of

We and the country are doomed if this man is let back any where near the power of the White House. You might think Biden is old, and may not agree on everything with him, but he has been far more stable and reliable of a leader than any time during Trump’s first 4 years were. I cannot believe people would seriously

Zuck, if you read this, I humbly ask you to please deny Trump any and all political ads across your platforms. Do this if not just for the sake of your company or our republic, but the utter entertainment value of watching Trump meltdown in real time when a true billionaire flexes his power over the wannabe

I was going to ask the same question. I don’t understand the correlation that releasing a facsimile of mammoth will do to help fight climate change. 

Wow what sounded initially as a bad idea continues to sound worse!
So let’s recap:

Man this one turd that just won’t flush. But it’ll be so great when it does. 

I mean, running them into the ground is running them, right?

No, these cars are still safer than human drivers and it’s a developing technology. Banning this would be extremely short sighted considering the benefits it’ll provide for technology and transportation in the long run. 

Whatever, have a nice day. 

Jeesh, thanks. B/c no one ever has mis-read something!?

I’d say it needs work. But hey, 1 person’s opinion. 

I’m sorry but what did I just read? Was this some sort of attempt to make Musk appear like some every day average Joe even tho his temper tantrum is really over the fact he’s mad b/c his ability to rob Peter (Tesla) to pay Paul (Twitter and Space X) has been hobbled by this ruling?
Maybe this was a pained attempt at

That’s already happening. A lot of new, mixed use, higher density construction is happening. But my point is more about the uber wealthy than the common every day folk. 

Nope, not really.”

Yes you are a sociopath. And your justification as to why you aren’t continues to prove otherwise.

I hope you are on a watch list somewhere. 

Ugh this is going to ruin one of my favorite areas, still barely touched, in California. I go to the delta and towns like Rio Vista and Isleton to escape my urban life in the bay. It’s not far but it’s very serene, peaceful, and naturally beautiful.
A bunch of self entitled, pompous tech bros are going to ruin the

You hit the nail on the head. It was reported he’s been selling shares of Tesla to prop up Twitter and SpaceX. This move is all about continued financing those failed ventures by sucking Tesla dry. He’s looking for a bail out which means the end could be just around the corner if he doesn’t get it. 

Don’t get me wrong, I agree w/ all your points. JJ shouldn’t touch anything trek again, but that too seems to be a wish we won’t be getting as it was recently reported he wants to make another trek film.

No mention of the Zindi sending a probe that severed Florida in half? 

Was it tho? Respectfully, I thought it was the worst.