
I, foolishly, was one of the dupes eager enough to buy Starfield when it came out, hoping for that open universe adventure to explore the stars and discover mysteries.
Instead, over a 100 hours later, all I got was kilometers of running across baren moon wastelands hunting down rando pirates just to scrounge up enough

X, the platform formerly known as Twitter

We could only be so lucky if he just went on a Coke and K bender and was never heard from again. 

Jim Cramer was a crack pot 20 years ago, why he still gets traction is anyone’s guess. 

Oh that’s handy! Thank you. I’ve been here a while now and never knew that. Again, thank you. :-)

I am. Their comment was too unintelligent to respond to considering the both expansive and nuanced situation both pregnancy and child rearing can be. 

Meanwhile in other hell hole “red” states instead of feeding kids school lunches or expanding food subsidy coverages, they’re eliminating them.
The GQP is laser focused on how to protect children, and parental rights or whatever.

Truly the Howard Hughes of our age.

Just curious if NASA has a plan B here? Ya know in light of Musk’s ever growing erratic behavior, questionable business dealings, and essentially robbing Peter to pay Paul to keep Twitter and Space X afloat using Tesla stock? 

I support democracy. Do you? 

A statement about the breach on the company’s website says that is offering two years of free credit monitoring and identity protection services to impacted customers.”

Yeah b/c that’ll really help now that the hackers have all my data! So that I, not them, get to play “wack-a-mole” when fraudulent sh*t arises!? Jeeh,

Same here! My mortgage loan was handed over to them as a loan service provider and they have been the WORST company to deal with. And now this just set me off b/c you’re right, this happened 2 months ago and we are just learning about it NOW! WTF

We don’t invest enough money into Nasa and space exploration. 

It’s intriguing to think about these distances. In 22.5 light hours, you’d only be just out of the solar system where Voy 1 and 2 are. And where they are, the sun is but a spec on the galactic plane we call the “Milky Way.”

Take your own advice, brah

2 words: franchise fatigue

They could literally not make another Marvel anything for 5 years and better off b/c of it then rolling out another plot filler story line for the next phase of the MCU that seemingly is taking us no where. 

How much money do you think it would take to bribe enough of SF’s homeless, with drugs and booze, to convince them to storm Twitter HQ on Market st? I think this man needs to have a life changing experience. 

Wow, the “anti-woke” AI’s burns are just as contrived and pathetic as if it were a real right wing keyboard warrior trying to best me on some comment board. LOL

CA doesn’t need any more gated, billionaire’s only clubs and that is all this would be. If these rich folk want to be away from the rest of us so much, go develop on a dead off shore oil rig. We got plenty of those! 

Where would she have concealed it? B/t her butt cheeks??? I got an MRI once I was in nothing but a hospital gown.