
Orca-nado > Shark-nado

I’m not a Disney fan boy, tho I do enjoy much of the content they generate for both universes like Loki, Bad Batch, Ashoka, etc. But wasn’t there some internal report done by them on why those franchises don’t seem to be the fat cash cows they used to be b/c of “over saturation and consumer fatigue” from them?

We solved the O-zone layer, we can solve climate change.

1 part of me wants to see this succeed for the multitude of reasons relating to science and exploration.

Like Twitter, why is anyone still on Meta as well?

It’s amazing how in 1985 people had a greater appreciation of science and general desire to solve a world wide problem, like the hole in the ozone, collectively and largely succeed in doing so to then going to just 10 years ago and calling climate change a “hoax.” 

A temper tantrum throwing non-verbal autistic kid would suffice in the role to play Musk. 

Did he really? I need to go find that video to share. 

Weird you think a father grooming his son by sharing what porn he watches is some sort of “moral standard” but I don’t. I call it creepy. 

That would be my take on it considering the fallout but this article is just a mess explaining what happened by trying to draw some parallel to something that happened on an old Ellen show. 

I’m a bit confused here, was there an invite sent or not? 

It’d be cool if one day this telescope’s advancement in our understanding of the composition and lay out of our universe resulted in the first application in stellar cartography. 

Well all the more reason why we all need to be voting in every election and not let ourselves succumb to cynicism. If I cannot get the all the progress I want right away, steps towards progress is always preferable to no progress at all. We’ve shown that when our side turns out in numbers, we win. 

Youngkin’s lips are moving = He’s lying. 

Likely even less. The infant mortality rate just went up, the first time in over 4 decades it has, but that won’t make a difference to their crowd. Facts, logic and human decency are entirely lost on them whenever they conflict with their narrative. 

The MAGA crowd might think it is a win, but every win for them has been pyrrhic, this being no exception. Johnson is eventually going to have to compromise b/c the reality is they only control 1 branch of gov’t and that’s going to put him in trouble w/ the chaos caucus. Secondly, the political calculus the Dems

What sort of high end drug cocktail are you on to think any Dem ever collaborated with someone like Gaetz?

The Dems never voted for McCarthy during the first 15 times he tried to be speaker, why do you think they would vote for him when his own party threw him away for doing his job: negotiating? 

Hey, well then why couldn’t the moderate Republicans work with any of the Dems to elected a coalition speaker that would have cleared an even greater majority in the House instead of electing the Speaker they did? Why aren’t you asking Rep Mike “no extremists” Lawler (R) why he eventually capitulated to the extremists?

It just goes to show how broken our civics education is in this country and how the right has made it so that they can put a criminal as their nominee for president and it’s all ok, but if the Dems don’t come to rescue the Republicans shooting themselves in the face it’s somehow the Dems fault for not convincing them

1. The Republicans are majority.
2. There’s no obligation for the minority to come to the majority’s aid in determining the majority’s Speaker.
3. I cannot find a single, recent, historical example of the minority party having come to the rescue of the majority to elect a Speaker.
4. If the shoe were on the other foot,