
he and his son monitored each other’s porn intake and called his son his accountability partner.”

This is so deeply disturbing but of course we’ll get nothing but crickets from the “moral majority” crowd b/c it’s their guy and they would have no values if it weren’t for hypocrisy. 

And to think how quick the mob is once again seriously considering letting Trump, much less any Republican, back in to the White House is scary.

Whenever I see polls saying that a large majority think the country is on the wrong path I look at conservatives as the reason. Everything wrong in this country was either implemented by conservatives or are the direct consequences from the executive or legislative decisions. 

“to cancel your vote because they hate the fact I stand up for liberty.”

Ah yes the liberty by which you mean oppressing other’s healthcare decisions that go against yours, not their, religious belief. Got it.

No it wouldn’t have made a dent and if anything just add to the traffic congestion which is already an issue on I-80, I-780, and I-680. 

I still cannot fathom how anyone still supports any Republican members. Even Mike Lawler, who comes off as semi-level headed, ended up voting for the extremist Johnson in the end. Despite all his overtures on nightly news saying otherwise. The whole party is an absolute disgrace. 

Except housing prices weren’t even a thought in this development project. They literally wanted to build their own, insular, billionaire tech bro community. It was never meant to help ease pressure on housing prices. 

Last I checked when we tried to negotiate with Nazi’s, war was the only diplomacy they understood. Considering how heavily armed they are today, do think reasoning with them is an answer? 

I’m really tired of the Republican strategy of placing their thumbs on the scales to try and throw elections their way. But hey, actually developing a legislative platform, having ideas, and an overarching guiding political philosophy that doesn’t disenfranchise voters is hard!?

I hope more and more people follow your example to call to have thee “chuches” audited for engaging in political speech. 

Their cruelty is a feature not a bug.

I typically try not to, but their comment was so brain dead that the very low hanging fruit which is their obviously bad faith argument was too tempting to resist. 

1. Do you not know where Inglewood is? (Hint: It’s not a rural community)
2. That hospital, if you looked in a bit deeper, is closing b/c of a declining demand for services not b/c of draconian laws implemented by religious zealots with no fundamental understanding in biology 101.


If you sign up for Twitters new banking service, you deserve to lose all your money. LOL

You have a point here. If it is a paid subscription, like on Only Fans, you have to provide your name w/ your credit card number. I’m sure she could back through the credit card invoices and find who paid for what, when, and name names. 

I really think Titan is the best candidate in our solar system to find new carbon based organic chemistry. Methane and Ethane are a rich energy source that is required in any system to sustain, or potentially sustain, a life form.  

I’m 100% with you and would prefer a coalition governing over a 2 party system. But until we kick the one party that is now absolutely hell bent on installing theocratic authoritarianism on us, the choice is clear:

And yet there’s still ignorant cynics who still say “both parties are the same.”

You can’t see this objectively and come away thinking that honestly.

If we don’t reclaim our democracy back from these craven, power hungry, ghouls in 2024 it’ll be lost for good and never coming back.