
Well Movies are getting canceled . Movies are way underperforming ,Hotels closing ,construction stopped . Park attendance down. Stock price down to 2011 price wiping out 12 years of growth . They are laying off people. Investors are suing”

I wonder what the number is? I hope he stamped his feet like the petulant child he is when he saw. 

Man, that poor dog that caught the car is really getting torn up hanging on going down the highway!? It’d be a tragedy if the dog wasn’t such mongrel to begin with!? 

Well I never claimed to be a biologist. But there’s def something wrong, which is common thread, between all these white supremacists and it’s ugly.

Love how all white supremacists look like they are missing a few chromosomes themselves. 

“While we do not yet have the data to judge AVs against the standard human drivers are setting, I do believe in the potential of this technology to increase safety on the roadway,”

I can tell you, right now, as driver in the bay area, these are already far superior to manually operated vehicles already. The people on

So you give up that easily b/c you hit a road block or minor issue? With thinking like yours we’d still be riding around in a horse and buggie b/c those fancy new age motor drawn carriages are far too dangerous and explosive!? 

I disagree, I don’t believe they failed. It is nescient technology that is working thru a process. I believe, one day, AV’s will replace manual operated vehicles and provide superior safety to what is currently human drivers. 

My god she’s an insufferable harpy. 

Once again, not a drag queen or transgender person indoctrinating or grooming children. Shocking!? 

I fear for the future my 18 month old niece is going to grow up in. I cannot believe this judge’s legal opinion could ever be construed as valid. 

Then all you’re doing is to continue to feed the beast.
Bassguitarhero is right, DELETE YOUR TWITTER

And this is why you never work for any “religious” organization. 

I hope MTG is his running mate. The GQP is at a fever pitch digging their own graves as we speak b/c they can’t quit this cult of personality they sunk into. 

As bad and terrible as this situation is, and how much it breaks my heart to see so many displaced or gone, I’m glad the cause of the fire wasn’t some idiot lighting fireworks off for a baby gender reveal.

Isn’t twitter nothing but bots now? I deleted mine before Musk took over, but from the outside looking in now, it sounds like a haunted mansion w/ the lights on with nothing but ghouls running around, and a miserly old man clutching on to an ever fleeting dream of what was his greatness.

My, the legal opinions coming out from these guys really does justice to their ivy league educations!?

Indeed, but even they are running out of money and big $$$ donors aren’t shelling out the cash like they used to and even rubes gotta eat!? LOL

“He’s spending more money on legal fees than on the campaign” - Lady G

GOOD! I’ve already enjoyed watching Trump bleed the RNC dry. It’ll be wonderful to watch them roll up to the 2024 campaign season with an empty war chest, donors who closed their check books, and more court dates than campaign stops. 

From your lips to gods ears.