

Yeah too bad our federal SCOTUS is dominated by corrupt conservatives all bought and paid for by special interest lobby groups, including the fossil fuel industry. 

It’s called pushing the limits and taking risks. Space is hard, and considering how many more successful missions NASA has had sending probes, and humanity, to the corners of our own system, Russia doesn’t exactly have a long track record of accomplishments to point to. Mars, particularly, comes to mind.

Oh look another insecure white incel drunk on power.

$10 says it crashes. Russia makes some pretty shoddy.... well everything. 

The only way I’d support those 2 assholes fighting each other is if it were to the death. And my money is on Zuck. 

As a man, I find any other man, who has a problem with these policies, to be a big baby. 

“he picked up my kids w/ humility....”

The only value the GQP, and those who support them still, have is corruption. 

Dear Republicans and Religious Wack Jobs,

Any argument starting with “my sincere and deeply held religious beliefs say...” should immediately be invalidated. I’m tired of this “religious freedom” garbage. They had religious freedom, now all they want it their religion forced on everyone else.

Ditto, esp christians. 

I mean, when showing Michelangelo’s David in an art history class is considered the “sexualization of children” the last thing Florida truly has are “Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking standards.”

If Handy is sentenced to prison, she could become a “kind of radicalizing figure for people who are already radical.”

How so? She’d be denied access to social media and attention from the outside world in general. Sure, a few may canonize her but sitting for years in jail has a way of making people forget about you

Quite frankly, we need to stop recognizing the Vatican as its own sovereign nation, shut down its embassy, and tax the living hell out of religious organizations. 

I’m all for them folding. Fuck the church. 

Imagine being stupid enough to follow a man who believes sports outcomes are directly tied to who is in office currently? 

Go cry about it to someone who cares. You need therapy

I’m gonna need to buy a movie theater grade popcorn machine for this trial. It’s gonna be fun to watch the MAGAt’s squirm over this. 

Truly amazing the cherry picking you did regarding the Dept of Health and Human Services. Went to read it and it was pertaining to 1 part of his over arching health care plan which he has been implementing the last few years. LOL Cute that you thought I wouldn’t notice.

The rest of your griping is just more grievance