
Exactly. What these people fail to realize is that you can’t always get everything you want. But playing the “taking my toys and leaving game” means you’ll never see a shred of it either. So instead of incremental progress, we got none and now are clawing our way back to where we were in 2016.

Chips act, Infrastructure investment, pulling us out of the pandemic, getting inflation under control, lowering the cost of prescription drugs for seniors, standing up to Putin.... just to name a few of his accomplishments.

No one is perfect, but he’s been incredibly adept at the job. Again, people like you just need

You’re the actual reason we don’t have nice things, but I guess that just gives you more things to bitch about clearly. 

It’s 2023, there’s no debate over the horrors of slavery. I agree with her. 

Trump’s candidacy for the GQP nomination is now certain.

This will likely be the last year Republicans actually have debates in the primary. The next election will be cage matches to determine the candidate. 

Likely more than the company is worth at this point. 

Not that hard to tell what a stroke is. They have all sorts of literature and awareness videos on the subject matter. Furthermore, it’s been known for some time he has been on blood related medication too. Just putting pieces together based on the available data. 

Please Universe, let that big ugly flashing X sign on top of Twitter, held down by sand bags, be blown over right as Elon exits the building and falls on him and no one else. 

She’s lucky I’m not one of her constituents, I’d be banging down her door demanding her resignation. People have the right to honest and truthful representation. 

Literally everyone was like “bye bish” to Elon when he threatened to move Tesla to Texas. The bay area hates his guts, and with good reason. His only friend here, I’m convinced, is Peter Thiel, and even that man isn’t welcome in gay establishments despite being a gay man.

Watching the footage, it’s pretty clear McConnell suffered a stroke. I bet he’s had several, but this was the first one in public. 

I was in the city yesterday for a festival in SOMA. On my way out I passed by the twitter hq and saw a construction worker and city inspector getting into it b/c yet again no permitting for removing the old sign was approved and the bulldozer was blocking traffic. Pretty much everyone walking by the twitter building fl

You fell for Russian propaganda. The only “point” you proved was that you’re a gullible half-whit. But that tracks for any right winger. Idiot

There’s a reason I’m seeing a lot more Texas license plates here in California: people are fleeing the republican led shitholes in droves b/c of this and their anti-abortion crusades. 

LOL someone is triggered and easily fooled by Russian propoganda.

Just more proof, evangelicals are all about regulating everyone else’s sex lives but their own.

Came here to say the same thing. 

1. I’m married to a teacher and can tell you, based on what you described, you’ve talked to literally zero professional teachers or healthcare providers regarding trans related issues or healthcare.
2. Zelenski is literally a jewish man, there are no Nazi’s in Ukraine. And the irony you calling Biden extremist when I’m

What I want to know is where are all the trolls constantly talking about Biden’s mental decline? We literally just watched the head of the Republican leadership in Senate stroke out and Biden still goes on bike rides.