
No one is trying to make children trans, let alone Biden. Calm down, just b/c you finally became aware of a small vulnerable group that has been around since time was time, doesn’t mean it’s some new age phenomena that needs to be fought against or those people denigrated. You just never learned good manners or tact.


Likely an empty universe with only virtual particles popping in and out of existence from the latent energy that would be remnant from the matter anti-matter annihilations. Essentially a dead, black, ever expanding ball of nothing but dissipating energy.

The universe truly works in mysterious and wonderful ways. 

Ben Shapiro has all the energy of micropenis syndrome. 

Biden, extreme???? What is extremist about repairing infrastructure or boost chip manufacturing in America? You’re daft

You mean to tell me that a candidate running in the “fiscal responsibility” party isn’t actually fiscally responsible?
Will wonders ever cease? 

Any of those guys suggesting the removal of, or having a problem with, rap exceptions should be investigated. The anti-abortion crowd is horrific and cruel. 

As far as accountability in the “party of personal accountability” this tracks. Why resign and admit fault when it’s easier to double down and pretend nothing is wrong!? Him saying what he did isn’t criminal while a court date is scheduled is totally on brand. 

“This is no longer a political protest,” he said to the police, “when they have ‘Fuck Leo’ signs...”

The irony here is that the biggest perpetrators of child trafficking and sex abuse usually turn out to be white christian republican males. 

Trans people and drag queens aren’t the problem, religious anti-abortion wackos are. 

A broken clock is right twice a day. Sure, he has some strange ideas what it means to eat at a restaurant which can only from an upbringing of utter privilege. But I don’t think he is necessarily wrong in his message here.

“Mugato, Mugutu, Gumato” - Dr Patingi

Your comment has all the energy of: “I have the bigliest crowd sizes. No one has ever seen crowd size so big as mine. The crowd was bigger than Obama’s. People were literally crying at how big my crowd size was.”

It was not then, as it is not now, any determination of importance much less any argument to be made about

Healthcare for all, higher education subsidies, free trade schools, investment in green energy, increase NASA’s budget, continued improvements on infrastructure, ensuring social security is viable past 2050, mandatory paid time off including parental leave.... the options are endless at what that money could do,


Or both. Getting hit by an asteroid is highly improbable in any given human life span. Exploring space and our solar system will only help us develop more technology to better safe guard our world.
This is why you don’t poll people over this. They’re dumb. 

Just goes to show you, it’s not drag queens or trans people sexualizing minors, it’s MTG. Tho the jury is still out on its actual gender. 

I feel like a lot of what this season is about is filling in background stories for context in later seasons. So far S2 has been ok, I’ve enjoyed watching it, but it’s missing that luster S1 had and all the while a tiny voice in the back of my mind, the one that pops up frequently now when watching a lot of things in

Their last colab really slapped. This... idk what the hell I just listened to. 

Sounds like we need to point the JWST at it and get some really fancy detailed observations.