
But conservatives want to raise that threshold to 60 percent, which would have the immediate impact of making it harder to add abortion protections to the constitution.”

Republican voters won’t give two shits about trans-issues or wokeness if a storm destroys their house and their insurance suddenly dissolves into the either.”

You’re probably right, but these people also deserve it too. 

And yet Republicans cry about decorum if anyone even lightly insults them, but MTG shows a private citizen’s STOLEN private pictures and all is ok? Republicans in Congress are vile excuses for human beings.... I don’t think they even qualify as human anymore. 

WOW just listening to the CFO’s take on why so many companies are leaving Florida: just so much “sticking my fingers in my ears while shouting LALALALALALA” energy. 

They lead sad and pathetic lives that’s how. Ever see “the legendary rock hard” posts? A lot like that. 

Christianity isn’t a religion, it’s a mental illness. Plain and simple. 

Italians politics is a fucked up place to begin with so this tracks. 

“... the laptop thing is old.”

“I believe we have stepped over a line into the inhumane.”


I wish I could give you 10 stars for this comment. 

I’m looking forward to the forth coming Republican civil wa - er, I mean primary. 

If these people don’t want to let others have the right to privacy then these Republicans should expect a right to privacy either. So chase them out of the restaurants, hair salons, local pubs, festivals, etc. Their whining only highlights the hypocrisy when people like Justice Thomas complain they can’t enjoy their mi

This tracks. Again, he’s this election’s Jill Stein. Difference is, Jill Stein wasn’t a raging unhinged anti-Semite or anti-vaxxer as far as I was aware. But the point is, he’s not serious candidate and just another right wing ploy to suppress the vote since they know they can’t win on policies or accomplishments. 

The more I read about this fool, the more I think he’s supposed to be the 2024 election Jill Stein. Paid for by the GQP to try and pull voters away from the Democrats. Remember, Stein was pictured literally month after the 2016 sitting at a dinner in Moscow, next to Putin, and several prominent republicans at the

“It shouldn’t be taxpayer funds giving them three weeks of paid, uncharged leave and then also paying for travel and lodging and meals–something that we don’t even give our troops when they have a parent die, or a sibling die, or a beloved grandparent die,”

Republicans never argue in good faith. Take this little snip

Cannot wait to see the bloodbath coming for the GOP in 2024. 

Right b/c rape and sexual abuse never has occurred in the military!? You’re daft. It’s like you idiots don’t understand anything about the real world or life. 

It’s not that he misspoke, b/c that isn’t the case. He showed his true nature.
You would sooner find a needle in a haystack than you would a Republican with any humanity or decency. 

Anyone else still on the fence as to where Republican loyalties lie? B/c it’s not w/ America.

I’m seriously considering disrupting christian masses b/c of this shit.
All we wanted was to live in peace. So if we can’t do that, they don’t deserve to believe as they do in peace either.