
I think we need a new definition as to what an ‘adult’ is. B/c none of these guys are adults. 

It’s sad people can’t just treat each other with kindness and respect anymore. Understanding someone is not a prerequisite for showing kindness and decency.  

Oh and to this point:

I personally believe that driverless cars are the future and that we should begin phasing out manually operated vehicles once the technology is more viable and reliable.
Humans, not driverless cars, are still consistently the root cause of traffic accidents, delays, and fatalities so while you complain about the 66

Ok well I didn’t click the link the article said: “have impeded emergency vehicles 66 times since their introduction to city streets.”

I’d still bet that if we were to look at this from a 10000 foot view, human drivers would still fair worse than driverless cars. Considering there’s only 100 of them total, and

There’s a lot to unpack here:
1. KRON 4reported that the San Francisco Fire Department noted self-driving cars have impeded emergency vehicles 66 times since their introduction to city streets.

Keep it up Republicans, 2024 is the year your party ends. 

When you stigmatize and then criminalize something which should never have been in the first place, this is the result.

I hope this is the thing that sends Musk leaping from the rooftop of Twit’s SF downtown HQ. We’d commemorate the splat where he hit Market street by painting the LGBT flag inside of the chalk lines, and flip it the finger, every year when we parade down it to the Castro. 

I gotta say, I’ve been playing the hell out of of the Spiderman Remaster, and looking forward to playing follow Miles Morales game after and if this Black Panther game turns out to be anything like them: take my money now!

And we’re only going to keep shooting more of Musk’s space garbage up there!

We need to remove oil company subsidies. Fuck these guys

If I were a judge in this case, I’d toss the lawsuit out. Anyone sending their kids to an educational facility setup by Kanye, called Donda, deserve to be swindled. Def a “what did you learn” moment for those parents. 

Blue Wave A-Comin’ 2024

“... you can hang out with your friends.”

What in living hell is wrong w/ these people? 

How very free speechy of them!? 

Someone please shut this pro-apartheid kid the hell up already. FFS

Five activists who held hands and formed a barricade blocking traffic outside the hotel were reportedly warned three times by police before being rounded up and arrested”

Look I’m all for protesting against these hateful people and their agenda, but can the road blocking nonsense stop? It doesn’t help promote what we

“Who are you trying to make better off? And what public policy problems do you get up in the morning thinking about how to solve?”

Once again, Buttigieg proving that he’s a true statesman, and the GQP is a flaming clown car show. That DeSantis ad is very weird.