
All I know, is 2024 is going to be brutal for Republicans. 

Conservatives are the primary reason we cannot have, and do not have, nice things in this country.

Anything meant to help the people is bad. Anything meant to oppress the people is good. 

I repeat: I hope everyone understands the assignment going forward with this shit.


What grinds my gears in all of this was that this was a hypothetical. The women literally doesn’t run a website and had no injury whatsoever and should have had no standing to bring this case to the courts. But here we are, another day in American being ruled by a loud, ignorant, violent minority. 

How Thomas doesn’t keel over from sheer irony when he mentioned “perpetual victimhood” is mind boggling. 

I was saying the same thing in 2016 to all the Bernie bros and Jill Stein believers but something about Clinton’s emails, they claimed, prevented them from voting for her....  So here we are. Could’ve had nice things, but won’t now! 

Bud lite was always a cheap low brow college boy frat house beer pong favorite.

Thankfully the youth are largely rejecting this political ideology of hate and violence the right spews.

So glad the GQP are really laser focused on the issues they campaigned on in the midterms: crime, inflation, and immigration. /s

How so? 

These “incels” really really aren’t “involuntarily celibate” since everything they do to repel even a potential mate’s attraction is entirely voluntary. 

They’re fish food.

Kind of breaks my heart that some of my favorite, and formative shows as a teenager of the 90's were so icky behind the scenes. I feel sorry these actors had to face the racism, sexualization, and harassment as they had. 

These guys make nearly $300k a year in a salary, why can’t they pay for their own luxury vacations instead of mooching off other rich guys? The whole institution is corrupted by right wing “federalist society” hacks. 

Probably would just need some more delta-v, but whatever size moon Mercury could hold on to would have to be very very very small.  

Ok, be honest, who else here thought the Manly crater was named after our favorite Kerbonaut, Scott Manly? 

Trust also excoriated British media for treating politics as a “soap opera.”

Have you not met your media???? 

Competes w/ July 4th????

It’s a whole 15 days away, in an entirely different month, Chucko! With all that forehead, Kirk certainly has nothing inside to show for it.

Glad to see the right wing candidates are laser focused on the issues which face real Americans and their every day lives:

Wouldn’t it be nice if wars were only fought b/t the assholes who started them so that we could direct our energy and money to further our understanding of the universe around us instead?