
If I lived in her district I’d be beyond pissed off at this point. 

This, I believe, is the first sort of orbital debris removing space tug that can be used over multiple instances I’ve seen. But it seems like it has to connect to a company specific connector on their client’s satellite in order to work. But this better than other ideas I’ve seen. We will still need something to

Yeah good luck enforcing that law. LOL 

The Republican party is nothing more than a bail bond company for a soon to be convicted criminal. 

We def need to have a fancy hat for our priests and high priest. All the good major religions have hats. 

We need to get back to worshipping the sun. This “Jesus” thing isn’t and hasn’t been working out for some time now. 

I can’t believe that one can be that stupid and it not hurting chronically. 

Both my, now deceased grandfathers, who fought in WW2 did more than just punch! So this is acceptable. 

Whoever is scouring over my data is either utterly mortified or uncontrollably aroused. 

Do you think they paid to attend it? If so I’d want my money back. 

Lady, I literally looked up this “issue” and found a Senate investigation into this turned up only 21 legit cases of “vaccine injury,” which were only moderate side effects, out of more than 8000 reported “cases of vaccine injury.”
They absolutely *DO NOT* happen and none of this is about being “woke” or whatever the

Let me know when it becomes as statically significant as gun violence and then you’ll have a point. Otherwise, a total of 21 LEGIT cases of vaccine side effects out of millions of doses delivered safe and effectively over the last several years is much-a-do about nothing.

Vaccine injuries are not some made-up conspiracy theorist fantasy”

Uh huh, like making people magnetic? You’re one of those people who simply cannot handle being wrong or mislead. So instead of being an adult and changing your ideas based on the overwhelming evidence against your narrative, you’ll double down and

Exactly even after that study was rescinded but these people can’t ever trust in something that doesn’t immediately confirm their own bias and narratives.
It’s sad that so many people just cannot accept they are wrong or were mislead and then double down instead of accept it and move on. 

Vaccine injuries don’t happen. Maybe you should get a grip since you seem to think vaccine injuries are a thing. Oh, and you’re the actual troll here. Just so we are clear. 

“I see both sides of the vaccine situation... “

There is no “both sides” of a debate here. There’s the science and then there’s ignorant people with an oversized microphone making a lot of noise about something they don’t understand and refuse to learn about.

Thankfully both options can be true. 

He will always have more to gain as a free man and would certainly be a beloved figure if he fled to Russia as they would portray it as a black eye on the US. Do photo ops w/ Snowden. Pal around in Sochi as the ex-pat president now giving speeches against the United States. They’d build a monument to him. I think the

Based on reading the recently unsealed indictments, he needs to go to jail now. He held US nuclear secrets and military vulnerabilities. If he’s not locked down he’s going to flee. 

“it is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”

I’d like to point out that this statement was made in 1992. That is how long the right has used socialism as a boogeyman yet never