
This doesn’t change the fact the court and its reputation is damaged until further notice. The GQP ramming thru confirmations during the Trump era, esp w/ ACB, Kav and Gorsuch, has eroded most of the public’s trust in the court to be objective and impartial. Compound that w/ the recent and damning allegations

It’s all about the cruelty

“every person who testified instead scolded the GOP over the walkout.”

See to most normal and rational people, when facing such unanimous and rightfully directed criticism, would change their opinion and ideas since they are clearly wrong. But not the GQP, no no. No matter how many times their crazy ideas and

As a Californian, whose lived thru some of our worst wild fires, please people stay inside if you can. 

“I’m still the same person. Unfortunately, the Democrats on the other side want to use my story as the narrative that they need to raise money.”

I’m really tired of this form of deflection. No, you’re just a POS. Saying one thing and doing another is not someone else’s idea of fundraising, it’s you’re just a POS. 

If it was committed by a pro-Ukrainian group, it was a masterful gambit. It forced the EU’s hands to get off Russian oil faster than they would have otherwise, thus denying the Kremlin the ability to hold the EU hostage over energy prices to fund their war effort.
That said, and as mentioned in the article, this story

That is true but it’s also true the dam destruction would make any counter offensive incursion into Russian held territory more difficult for Ukraine. 

These forced birthers love to call everyone else “baby killers” but I have yet to see any pro-choice person kill anyone and there’s a long list of “pro-lifers” committing violent acts resulting in death.

I will enjoy watching this organization fall flat on its face time and time again in the upcoming future. And Crow should have just withdrawn the $500k, threw it in a metal drum and lit it on fire. The Btu’s generated by it would be more useful than this “organization” against something not 1 conservative has been

This is certainly a trickier problem to solve than creating an artificial magnetosphere around Mars.

If the dust is electrically charged a simple magnetic dipole or monopole could be used as a sweep ahead of the craft to clear the debris. How strong of a field, and how much it might disrupt onboard instruments I

The right answer to this situation should have been to say nothing at all. Both PETA and Pete. PETA didn’t need to inject their opinion into something so trivial as a family pet. Davidson didn’t have to respond to their opinion either and no one would have known about this.

Just shows, sometimes is the best response

All the more reason to keep banging on, til my eyes and ears bleed, the importance for everyone to vote in every election. We need to do it while it still does matter, and if we stay the course, we will over come this and repair the damage. We can do this. 

The backlash coming for the GQP in 2024 is going to be brutal.

B/c Dorsey is such a great judge in character and political strategy!? /s

Pretty much I’m either cross guard and dual wield, or cross guard and double blade. The cross guard is slow but delivers powerful hits that I find level most foes fairly easily. Jumping in the middle of a group of troops, force pull them all closer and use the sundering swipe is a fun form crowd control. 

I’m gonna try this! Thanks for the tip.

Boebert’s Mother doesn’t know who Lauren’s biological dad is?
This tracks for a 36 y/o soon-to-be divorced grandmother.

Came here to say just that! Pay $165 to get off a plane with everyone glaring at u at the gate wondering what did you stick your face in? 

The second recently discovered issue involves hundreds of feet of protective tape used to cover the wiring harnesses inside the Starliner vehicle, which turned out to be flammable.”

Someone’s head is about to roll.

And remember: Don’t Panic