
Cue the right wing outrage over something that doesn’t concern or affect them in the least in 3... 2... 1...

“Anyone using President Trump’s name to commit fraud and swindle unsuspecting victims out of their money should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If this NBC report is accurate, then these grifters who are obviously not connected to the Trump campaign need to be held accountable.”

I wouldn’t bother. If th

Ok, still isn’t the flex they think it is. 

The members of Congress from Bama don’t understand that defunding space force isn’t the flex they think it is. LOL

I came here to say the same thing. JVB is looking aged af and he’s not much older than I am either. 

...not filling their heads with useless ideologies.”

It said without recognizing it is already doing that to its own children via religion. These people have zero self awareness. 

I’d love to know if her and her husband voted Republican. B/c if so, she voted for this. 

It’s the lowest form of political attack but that’s all they have. It’s no better than leftists.”

At this rate in another 6 months or so these people will commit domestic abuse citing their dedication to the “anti-woke” movement and blame their significant other for colliding with their fists.
Seriously? A friggin’ chicken sandwich company sets them off!?

These people hanging on to Twitter becoming all offended when the inevitable dumbf*ckery comes for them, b/c Musk is a petulant and immature man child, do it to themselves. 

Why not Landrew? or Agamus? Or Peanut Hamper, the mathematically perfect named exo-comp? 

I’m def feeling Ian Malcom vibes from Jurassic Park when he says: “.... Yeah but your scientists have been so preoccupied whether or not they could, they never stopped to think if they should” over all of this. And we all know tech bros and members of Congress aren’t the most reliable when it comes to ethics. 

I’m almost surprised the WGA hasn’t demanded everyone cancel their Netflix and Hulu subscriptions if this is what they consider a betrayal. I do think they need to be paid more, but some expectations need to realistic. 

How would you not know it’s poppers the moment you cracked open the top? Like is this seriously an issue? Where does this happen?

To anyone curious about them, I recommend the Jungle Juice brand. Rush gives me a headache. 

This is ultimately leading up to another right wing self own. When medical professionals are few and far between in these red states, the death rate will ramp up fairly quickly. What Covid didn’t finish off, the right wing’s rabid stupidity will. 

2 terrible people being terrible to each other. That said, looking over at “GOP Josh” twitter handle shows he’s about a few hundred tweets away from blaming the girls at his school as the reason he can’t get a date. The grievance is strong in that one.

5-4 opinion was authored by Justice Samuel Alito and supported by Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett—all conservative judges, two of whom were Donald Trump appointees.”

Conservatives truly are hell bent on ensuring all of America can never have nice things. 

I mean it’s not like anyone in the GQP these days are playing with a full deck of cards. So this tracks

My the anti-gay, anti-trans trolls are uniquely silent over this “groomer” controversy which doesn’t appear to include either gays, trans, or drag queens.