
Nothing says your political party has no platform quite like perpetually targeting a demographic of people doing nothing but living their lives peacefully. 

Nothing makes me giddier than a school girl in love than the anticipation of any new Star Trek show or season. 

That makes 2 of us! 

The best defense against tyranny is a well educated population. Why do you think Republicans have cutting school funding for the last 3 decades? 

That is happening actually. 

Teaching that slavery existed isn’t teaching an ideology. Where as making public schools display the ten commandments is. See the difference?

They can challenge the law, that’s what the courts are for and these book bans are clear violations of first amendment rights.

100% agree

This parental rights nonsense is getting out of hand. One luddite sticks her head out of her hole to realize the world isn’t flat and whines about it and suddenly EVERYONE has to capitulate to that one person’s myopic world view? These school districts need to a grow a set and challenge these laws which blatantly

Or maybe stop banning books altogether and tell these cretins to f*ck off and home school their brats if they don’t like the curriculum. This is getting out of hand. 

Probably would have had the abortion done sooner if it weren’t for the stigma thwarted on these poor women by the forced birth crowd. But hey, why empower people to make better life choices, when it’s easier to ram your bronzed age bs belief system on everyone and criminalize them for it!

Rob Anderson also does commentary on old 90's movies as well. His take on Beethoven 2 had me rolling on the floor. 

Does anyone actually think she ever paid for her birth control or abortions? No! Ted Cruz did.

Why is anyone still getting any “news” from Twitter thinking it’s legit?

I hope Slama miscarries and has to go elsewhere for medical treatment she just denied every other woman in the state of Nebraska. Just like the former sex worker Boebert: “Abortions for me! But not for thee! Teeheehee”

You, like me, want something akin to the 90's game Star Trek: A Final Unity, but of course more up-to-date. It was brilliant game for its time! Had action, adventure, puzzles to solve, and decent 3D ship combat. It even let you control power regulation across a number of ship systems. If they somehow built a game that

Nothing could be clunkier than the 2009 Star Trek Xbox 360 game. I never even finished it it was so utterly frustrating to play. 

Was that where he talked about the tanning of testicles? Right wing concepts of masculinity are very strange indeed. 

I find guys who have to talk about their manliness and masculinity the most have the least of both. It’s one of the easiest insecurities to spot in a person since they wear it on their sleeves in public. 

Dudes dressing up as women lip-syncing the words to other artists songs is sexual to you? Careful everyone, shoebox is easily aroused and can’t control their urges!?