
What on earth are you talking about? CA hasn’t lost anyone and we have currently a $47 billion surplus and are the 4th largest economy in the world? Florida is a cesspool.

Well I’m glad to see looking over at Rubio’s twitter page on this he is getting raked over the coals for the very obvious reasons why no catholic, or christian, can ever claim the moral high ground ever again. So, there’s hope.
Oh and F*ck the Dodgers. 

100% Correct

All thanks to everyone who sat out on voting in 2016.

It still infuriates me that so many people were so willing to believe every lie uttered about Clinton, and ignore almost every horrible truth about Trump. 

“organizing, training, and equipping Guardians to conduct global space operations that enhance the way our joint and coalition forces fight, while also offering decision makers military options to achieve national objectives.”

What on earth does that even mean???? Organizing what? Training for and with what? To do

It’s been reported, however not confirmed, that Kenworthy is dating someone older, but is keeping a secret for the privacy of his significant other.


I was almost shocked Kenworthy wasn’t clamoring to be on the “Real Friends of Weho” 

Seems to me the only people injecting politics into Nasa are Cruz and Nelson in this BUDGETARY committee hearing. 

I’m happy for them. Tho I still think going from coming out, grabbing a bf, and getting married all in a 2 year time span seems rushed to me. He was only a gaybie, barely weened from Gus Kenworthy’s teet (who was noticably NOT at the wedding), and was already out of the dating pool in the LA scene. But it’s his life

Is it bad that I’m totally envious of you over this? I would love to watch the phone ring, putting her staffers on hold, then abruptly hang up just to make them crazy hopping mad. Good on you, sir.

Funny how she’s a woman who doesn’t support women.

I’m betting it was the other way around. Now that she’s an incumbent congresswoman, she probably has access to a lot better quality stock of dudes who make more money and probably smell better than her highschool drop out soon-to-be-ex-husband.

....all of whom deserve privacy and love as we work through this process.”

This is what I’m talking about when I say they don’t deserve an iota of privacy. Oh, so YOUR family is going through “something” and deserves privacy to work thru it, but forget about privacy for the families who lost loved ones to gun violence

2024 is going to be blood bath for the GQP. People are not happy about this religious bullshit getting rammed down our throats anymore. Just b/c you’re against abortion doesn’t mean it needs to be outlawed, same way as if you were on a diet, that’s your choice, doesn’t mean everyone else in the world can’t have a

I was once in the “let her finish out her remaining term” way of thinking, out of respect for her and all she has accomplished. But that statement pretty much says it’s time for her to hang up the towel, go home, and enjoy they remainder of her days under the California sun. 

The last person I think of when I think of masculinity is Josh “limp wristed fist pump” Hawley. Maybe Hawley should shred his Bible and read some other books on emotional insecurity and Peter Pan syndrome. 

“For a while, people were fooled by PhotoShop. Then they quickly developed an understanding around altered images. This will be like that, but on steroids.”

For a while??? Some people still are! 

2x to every comment? You must not read or count too well since it was only the last post in this thread I replied twice to. Either way, the only sideshow freak here is you, cleetus, and your lack luster understanding of basic high school science class curriculums. And I am having a great day!