
The science also says there are 2 genders. Go cry about it.”

Actually the science on gender is pretty nuanced, there’s an entire branch of study dedicated to it. LOL Go cry about your ignorance. And I love being called a nerd, it means I’m smart and you have no other rational argument to make.

There is no such thing as an “unborn child.” You weirdos don’t understand biology and b/c of that think whatever people do in their own time is your business, it is not.

This guy looks to have the adequate processing power of a Trump supporter:

Very dim

Something which later turned out to never have had happened. LOL

They don’t want to talk about it b/c they know how unpopular their agenda is which is why we SHOULD be pressing them on it every chance we get. Restaurants, churches, shopping malls, walking down the street.... anywhere. If women aren’t allowed the privacy to make their own medical and reproductive choices, these

Not as monstrous as deeming yourself, via your belief system, the authority over other people’s medical decisions and reproductive choices. It’s called science it doesn’t care about your stupid religious beliefs. And Jesus never existed either. Idiot

Mmmmmm no it is not. It may one day develop into a person, thusly being BORN, but a person it is not. This is why there is a distinction b/t a baby and an embryo.  

What in the eff does “survive the abortionist” even mean? LOL No one “survives” an abortion since people can’t be aborted. 

According the post J6 Republican party that sort of action is “a legitimate form of political discourse.” Their words

True, but the public’s opinion on these matters are fairly clear:

Nothing says you have a winning argument/agenda/proposal quite like changing the rules of the system so you don’t actually have to have a winning argument/agenda/proposal in order to win.
Getting sick of these adult toddlers smear their shit over everything b/c they don’t want to play nice with others. 

Nothing says you’re “pro-life,” or “Christian,quite like making a bomb threat!? These people need to be forced back under the rocks from which they came.

Found the incel

I’m far beyond taxing the churches and think it’s about time to all disrupt services, tear up bibles, and make them fear ever mentioning their faith in public. 

“A baby is the only beautiful thing that can come from rape,” she said.


And the Republican party downward spiral continues!
I’m living for it! 

“shadows outside his home” on a Sunday morning so obviously the natural thing to do is be afraid of said shadows and shoot indiscriminately at them b/c that’s rational. These idiots live in fear of everything. 

Sit down, the #1 killer of children now is guns by a wide margin. And the car accident defense is as hollow as the “good guy w/ a gun” argument considering you actually have to be licensed and registered to own a car on top of all the safety standards implemented over the last few decades. There’s still no good guy w/

Well there are black Republicans as well. What’s your point? People can be deluded no matter what their background is.