
There is no-well reasoned argument that will ever change his mind.”

This, kids, is what we call a red flag. 

LOL Still no proof of voter fraud? Thought so. Go shout at the sky, it cares more than we do about your delusional rantings. 

“He called me and made sexual threats, basically.”

The courts are illegit now. No rulings they make should be considered or followed now. Republicans have shown they’ll game the system to do whatever it takes to force thru their unpopular agenda even if it means destroying the our institutions to do it.

This is actually a great idea! 

There’s no “common ground” to be found when one side literally has said they want to erase entire sub-cultures of people from existence. There’s no debating fascists. We tried that in the 30's and by the 40's the whole world was at war. 

I’m glad someone is enjoying it! My game still crashes or freezes even after the update EA sent out Saturday for PC’s and pouring over online forums for fixes. And yes, my system does meet the min system requirements and then some.

I love how Texans like to project this image that embodies their “don’t mess with Texas” motto, and then you look at Cruz who is the walking, talking antithesis of that and can only laugh. I too one day may think super gluing a dead raccoon to my face looks tough, but that is not this day. 

Alex Jones is fair game for any attacks.”

Yet, I bet, she’s a HUGE Sex and the City fan secretly irl who’s just jealous that other people have happier and healthier sex lives than whatever you call what she has with her husband. 

I think Media Matters response to the Fox cease and desist order is perfect:

If nothing, legally, can be done to route out this corruption the only other option is running these traitors down in the streets. 

I hope she never feels safe in her district walking the streets. If I were her constituents, I’d be pissed. 

Boy, must be nice to have a billionaire pay for your kid’s tuition while you snidely deny millions of others from receiving any sort of student loan forgiveness. 

It’s so weird that they play the victim to their own words they uttered in a public forum. Maybe they should try silence for once and find out just how easy it is to be left alone when you leave people alone when you can’t play nice with others.  

Gawd these people are dirt dumb. Tell me how this is not the boogeyman of “socialism” the right has been fearmongering over the last 25 years? Gov’t telling business entities how to run their business to keep the state party officials happy? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh b/c that’s totally “free market” capitalism!?

I found it interesting that the Andromeda galaxy is about twice the size of ours yet it’s black hole seems much much much bigger than ours. So I guess that means black hole sizes don’t necessarily scale linearly with galaxy size? Still fascinating

2024 is shaping up to be a good year for the Democrats. 

The adult thing to do here is GET THE F*CK OFF TWITTER! I can’t believe this stupid blue check mark fiasco is still a thing concerning people. Esp when you consider if everyone jumped ship, leaving Musk as the captain to go down with it, we might just kill 2 birds w/ 1 stone. 

Good point!