
Jesus should have been aborted by Herod.
Change my mind. 

Republicans don’t deserve a right to privacy when they continue to push these draconian invasions of privacy. 

Republican politics nowadays is a bunch of old white men who could explain away 3 sixes on a guy’s forehead they support as ‘people looking at it the wrong way as it is actually a bunch of nines’

I wish I could give you more than just 1 star for this sentence alone. Well done sir! 

The Federalist Society needs to be taken down. 

What is this? The 4th reboot? 

Keep it up Republicans, your anti-abortion crusade is only costing you votes. I cannot wait to see the day when we flip SCOTUS and then ram thru the most pro-abortion agenda ever just to stick it to these religious cretins. 

My husband and I desperately wanted to like this show as we loved the old movie having both grown up watching it. But the show just never seemed to figure out what it wanted to be, where they wanted to go w/ the characters, or the plot much less. Many of the main characters, including Willow, just annoyed me,

Texas and Florida sound like truly f*cked up places to live with dirt dumb leadership at the helm. 

Perhaps the only positive aspect coming out of the Ukrainian war is that we will no longer be partnering w/ Russia, and their crap-tastic building standards, any more when it comes to space exploration.
Good Riddance! 

Being a 36 y/o grandmother in waiting is nothing to be proud of, if anything it shows you raised your kids wrong. 

Again, whenever a conservative cries about “groomers,” remember it’s always projection. 

Elon’s utopia sounds more like everyone else’s dystopian hell hole. 

You make an excellent point. The true people inserting sexuality into everything are the conservatives. But it doesn’t help that they start their own rumors, run with them, and before you know it the whole lot believes a lie it told itself. See “cat litter boxes in schools” as just another primary example of how their

Talk about projection!? Jesus

Psssst the people committing the crimes in this state are all.... wait for it.... Republican

Sounds like you never been to California? A lot of conservatives “think” they know California, but they don’t. 

As a Californian, I would really like it if Newsom started with holding federal payments to the gov’t until they can ensure that NO CA TAX DOLLARS GO TO THESE POS RED STATES! 

OMG have all the stars! 

Idk if the far left is as dangerous as the far right is. 

I pitty women who live in Texas or Florida. What an absolute disaster the far right policies have been.