
The Republican 2024 civil war is going to be epic.

Exactly! Remember when John Edwards became a priah b/c he had an affair? We had Trump bragging about sexual assault and nothing. 

Without content moderation teams or employees manning crucial features to combat harassment and child sexual exploitation materials (CSEM), those types of posts are reportedly on a sharp rise...”

For the utter life of me, I to this day, still do not understand how that didn’t immediately end his campaign right then and there. Everything after that just got so much worse. So shameful

Texas really sounds like an absolute shit hole of state full of Dolores and Abner Crabtree’s pushing into your personal business.
Makes you wonder why “conservatives” ever whined about “right to privacy” considering how nanny-state these law are. 

Conservatives lost the culture war, now it’s just a race to the bottom to hurt as many minority groups as they can before they become completely irrelevant.

Fascism once again rearing it’s ugly head.
Why have any bodily autonomy when it’s easier for christian nationalists to make the decisions for you!? 

These people are seriously the worst.

“figured out twenty years ago that conservatives had lost the culture war. Abortion, gay rights, contraception—conservatives didn’t have a chance if public opinion prevailed. So they needed to stack the courts.”

 Right b/c nothing says your policy and agenda is right when you have to stack the courts to ram it thru.

Thank you for those links, very inciteful. However reading thru them, I’m still not seeing what is necessitating such a reaction to have Tiktok banned outright. Some of what was covered in the articles isn’t anything new, that other apps and mobile companies haven’t done before and even according to the Mashable

So b/c the pharma companies price gouge people like my dad, w/ diabetes, have to suffer or go broke? There’s a real issue in this nation right now where we take humanity out of the equations that most require it. I’m glad Biden passed the inflation reduction act and to hell w/ the insurance companies. Business

Sort of my take as well. Lot of bluster but light on facts or details about this “security concern.”

I mean I understand the importance to protect national security and personal data but can someone explain to me what prompted this sudden and very aggressive need to have tiktok banned? I read a headline somewhere yesterday that the EU and Canada were moving to ban it as well on gov’t mobile devices, but I haven’t

“ Republicans argued that the price cap didn’t address the main problem, saying by maximizing the cost at $35, it would pass the premium cost to insurance companies.”

OMG Who’s going to worry about the poor widdle insurance company that’s been raking in the cash for decades! BOO HOO HOO!
These cretins made the same

rabid fan boy hugs him too violently made me chuckle. take a star

Uh huh, and now who’s going to enforce this rule since he gutted the entire department that used to scour twitter for such speech to have it removed?

Oh sweetie, it was an abortion. You aborted a dead fetus from your uterus, hence it was still an abortion. Now watch the Christian zealots tie themselves into mental pretzels to justify why this wasn’t. I’m tired of these people. 

“There is simply not a world where I can muster up any sympathy for people who burn the midnight oil to harm queer kids and troll mass shooting survivors having their happy hours interrupted. And besides, what alternate timeline is MTG living in that she thinks she’s shown any respect ever to people with opposing

Question: Is there really any real financial consequences to Wiki if they don’t pay?