
I for one certainly am excited for the Europa and Jupiter Icy Moons missions, along with Dragonfly. Those worlds are just such departures from our own that it excites me to see what we can find out about them further.

...his degree was actually in liberal studies—typically a major for people who cannot decide on a major—and claimed he only learned about the discrepancy last week after he requested his transcript from Middle Tennessee State University.”

Sure, Jan.

Pondering the same question as well. 

LOL How did I not catch that. 

“it will be worth it, as more children of God are brought into the world!”

We already got enough children here, today, that need homes but not like the “pro-life” crowd ever did anything to make their lives better. 

The fetus got lucky, that family is a bunch of psychos. Now at least it can return to the god head and be reincarnated to another form, hopefully to something better than the Duggar clan of pedophiles. 

Truly draw dropping seeing the literal masses of people who all collectively took a mental jump off a cliff during and over covid. I swear, we are 1 ebola outbreak away from total collapse b/c of these yokles. 

This is the result of 30+ years of the right dumbing down America by defunding education, denying scientific facts, and vaulting opinions to be on equal footing w/ fact base/data analysis.

Party of “Freedom” seems pretty hell bent at taking others’ away.

That’s a fairly unfair and simplistic reduction of this. You might learn something reading other people’s comments on the situation.

Then why does the FCC get to tell privately-owned television networks when to protect and when to censor speech?”

If that were the case there would be no Faux news. What do you think Dominion is suing them over? Hurt feelings? 

Ever met a Republican who wasn’t? 

Again stay in your lane and go cry to your fellow incels over the trouble you have with pronouns. (Speaking of people who get offended over words)

The irony this person than goes on to say “adults in the room are talking” in another post. Yes, every adult I know and I’m sure you do to, uses such school yard lingo like “MSNBC-brain”

Imagine being triggered b/c someone calls you out on your lies, falsehoods, and overall general lacking knowledge.
Could just be honest or remain silent? But when you publicly post and get called out as others have done to you here, remember you opened yourself up to all the criticism you now deride.

Just a reminder the real groomers are Republicans and clergy.

Maybe don’t try to have grown up conversations”

Grown up conversations don’t involve calling each other “baby girl,” child. 

LOL Someone is triggered! And don’t try twisting this into something I never meant it as, you know very well what you meant when you referred to “spectrum” and it wasn’t political.

Turns everything in to a race baiting trope

“wide spectrum”???