
Conservatism is a mental disorder, I’m not the one in need of help here child. 

Trump literally is the guy that the people of this district voted for and deregulated the railways that led to their disaster. Did any of them connect the dots? No! Instead they went and cheered him on this weekend when he visited their tiny hamlet to score political points at their expense. No lie.

The answer is: Not Relevant.

Came here to say pretty much the same. These same people have voted for the political party that is directly responsible for deregulating the rail ways (all in the name of “freedumb”) and then are aghast when these things happen b/c of deregulation.

I read in the BBC that the Romanian courts can do this thru June to them. Hoping they make it their permanent residence. The world would be a better place. 

So it’s a safe bet The GQP is pretty much dead now in Michigan if they elected this wacko to lead them. 

The Republican party is so fragile that books frighten them. Gawd what a bunch of small d*ck energy incel snowflakes.

I like the new ship design. 

Weird, they didn’t seem to have a problem with it BEFORE Trump came in and changed it so why now, and not before, is it a problem?

The problem is that people w/ Ebola can be contagious before showing symptoms, so sure you might see someone bleeding out, doesn’t mean you hadn’t already been infected. 

You literally just spoke to one of my deepest fears that stemmed out of the Trump era. I remember thinking early in the pandemic, what if it wasn’t Covid? What if it was Ebola? Pretty sure 60% of the US population would have been decimated b/c of his incompetent and impotent leadership. 

No commander in chief should hide behind press secretaries and anonymous sources in a time of crisis.” - Tom Cotton

Have at it then. 

Well it’s her decision and there’s nothing more any of us can do otherwise to get her removed any faster. So now it’s just the waiting game. 

As a Californian I have been beginning to come around to the same conclusion. When do we stop letting ourselves be ruled by a minority that wants to force their religion on us? When do we stop sending our tax dollars to the federal gov’t demanding that none of it ever be used to aid or provide for these states that

I don’t see anything wrong in letting her finish her term. 

Wow, what a man baby. 

I thank her for all her years of service, but am glad she is finally bowing out of public service. 

Really getting tired of hearing about how “we must protect our children” from the party that has actively ensured they get gunned down in their schools, harased relentlessly for being LGBTQ+, that lower class children no longer have access to free lunches at school, the black children don’t have an equitable shot at

This country has taken such a sad turn since Trump got elected in 2016.
And just as predicted, it’s going to take much longer to dig out of the hole he put us in.
Pay attention people, and keep your eye on the ball.