
By voting, and keep on voting against these people. The last 2 elections have shown we have the numbers, we just need to keep people motivated to vote as if their lives depend on it... bc they do. 

Ok. First that article was written in the summer when we were dying from the relentless heat and demand put on the electric grid from everyone running AC was higher than usual, however there weren’t any brown or black outs I recall ocurring.
2. and this is from the article you provided: “Bearman said the problems with

Umm citation needed. And much of CA’s electric grid is privately owned so if you have beef, and actually live here in CA, take it up w/ PG&E and their crap-tastic job at maintaining infrastructure. facts.

So you are saying government officials who accepted the lobbying narratives against climate change are not at fault?”

Yes they are at fault, but it’s Exxon’s fault for lying and pushing the lie, falsifying the science and knowingly doing so, and directing those narratives to hinder what could have been 20 years of

Oh so it’s the gov’ts fault for Exxon’s lies for decades? Giving right wing politicians talking points to try and kill the climate change movement and legislation? Muddying the waters in the national dialogue regarding climate change by implanting false narratives and statistics? 

Conservatism is a mental illness. 

This somewhat makes my blood boil b/c instead of working to shift over their business model over to become more energy diverse, which they sort of have done only in the last couple years, they instead pushed their lobby groups hard the last 20 years to deny it was ever happening. They, they along w/ other petrol

“Yep, the caucus that lost their minds over the suggestion that they should wear masks during a pandemic to respect the safety of others is now spending its time focusing on the fine details of what women have to wear...”

Ah ok, I get where you’re coming from now. Thank you for the clarification. 

As much as I would hate to see Space X fail I think I want to see a shock to Musk’s ego more watching it fail. 

What small people they are.

Well considering it had more advertisers than it does now, my original statement still stands that it was, and emphasis on this word, MORE profitable before Musk. 

This story is horrible on every level but anyone notice how manly man Tate has dots on his head like he got hair plugs? I guess showing off testosterone is only “manly” when you’re trying to flex on 18 y/o’s over how many cars you have and not just accepting that excess testosterone is why you have a declining hair

I literally had a debate w/ a guy about this the other day. He argued that killing zygotes (aka things like an embryo) is murder to which I reminded him he kills innumerable zygotes each day. He went silent.

To be fair, “abortion” is in the bible... later term... post birth... they pretty much would drown a baby born w/ deformities. So technically what we have been doing in the modern age is actually far more humane than what is described in the bible. 

Pretty sure the company was MORE profitable before Musk.

Oh I thought it was for every musk destroyed, a thousand incels cry out in agony and then.... silence. Kinda like the Jedi and Alderan but for lemmings and their wimpy edge lord. 

Forgot the ‘/s’

“unborn life:” pretty sure that is not possible for placental vertebrate mammals. 

Yeah, if I were these tech companies I just simply wouldn’t comply w/ their Congressional requests... after all, the republicans didn’t seem to have a problem doing it the prior 4 years.
Get ready to watch another right wing self own.