

Funny, I had the same thought. 

(not seriously but it’d be nice if this a-hole was no more)

I live in the bay area, and I swear if I’m driving around downtown SF, I will hop a sidewalk to happily run Musk over in my SUV. I’d gladly go to jail knowing I removed one of this biggest pieces of sh*t on the planet.

“It is shocking and sad to the entire law enforcement community that such an evil and wicked person could infiltrate law enforcement while concealing his true identity as a computer predator and murderer,”

Is it (shocking) tho since it seems like there’s an over abundance of criminal cops anymore?

It’s just needless, pointless cruelty all the way down.”

This right here it is really all it is. Cruelty

The GQP is a dead party with the rot now fully exposed and festering.

I’m not complaining so long as new Trek keeps coming out. Granted I don’t think the prior 2 seasons of Picard were as strong or griping as they could’ve been, I was still, as always, delighted to watch it. This next season def looks much more thrilling than last season was already. 

Are we really surprised anymore? The right wing has been all about power over principles for some time now. The whole Speaker fiasco was a perfect exhibit in that. 

Amazing, people working together against a common threat can and do solve problems! 

I love cooking on my gas stove but the writing is on the wall. A lot of new construction projects I’m working on or bidding out do not have gas at all. In fact where I live (bay area), SF, Oakland and Berkeley have already banned gas appliances in all new construction and various retrofitting projects depending on

Go cry about it to someone who cares. There’s therapy for a reason. People get paid to listen to your delusions, no need to bore the rest of us with your lack luster uninspired demented life. 

It’s a well known fact that when CPAC is in town, Grindr blows up w/ ‘dl’ dudes. They’re all a bunch self hating closet cases and just the picture of this man alone screams J Edgar Hoover! I promise you, he performs Funny Lady in front of a mirror when he’s alone. 


Aside from the hair color thing I’ve been paying as close of attention as my brain span can muster in between utter boredom and frustration.  

I was really hopeful for this show but after watching it I have to say I’m less than pleased with it. The story and plot jumps around a lot which can make one go “wait, wtf just happened?,” the editing is terrible and jumpy, characters behave in ways that seemed forced and unnatural (like the princess doing some grand

A Republican developing a modicum of circumspection? He sadly won’t last long b/c they really are starting to eat their own. 

Hate to tell you but you murder zygotes daily and don’t realize it. Just saying

You’re equating a human zygote with a cancerous tumor?”

Yes b/c at the point in the pregnancy we’re talking about both are nothing more than an amalgamation of cells, not a viable, functioning, sentient being. 

I don’t blame them for doing it if that is the case.