
Furthermore, the zygote, as afore mentioned is part of the person carrying it their body, not yours. They want to remove a zygote, that is there prerogative, not yours.

By your logic removing a cancerous tumor is murder b/c yes the natural process would be to just let an actual living, breathing, independently autonomous person with the tumor die instead utilizing our vast scientific and engineering ingenuity to save the actual living, breathing, independently autonomous person. Got

I saw this coming months ago. So glad I ran from that platform the minute I heard the deal went thru. What a dumpster fire!

Cruelty as a party political philosophy might seem cute at first but eventually it makes everyone cruel, even to each other. “Owning the libs” always was going to result in the right owning themselves. This spectacle has been 20 years in the making. 

#15: If I was a Dem rep watching this clown show, I def would have a bottle of wine by my side to pair with all the delicious schadenfreude I’d be guzzling down by the minute. 

I’m sure Jenny Mcarth-bee has something to say about the dangers of vaccine related autism!?

Failed social media mogul says what? 

idk what you’re talking about but your idea of a party sounds kinda weird. But hey, if it isn’t hurting no one do whatever you want to your sausage pizza. 

Thing is, you can be masculine without having to be a misogynistic pig about it. Furthermore, considering how he likes to shame all types of men he considers to be lesser than him, every bit of criticism levied against him, by fellow men, is well deserved and necessary. Boy likes Andrew Tate make men everywhere look

You’re asking for well thought out, reasoned and crafted response which is not what you’ll get. Anytime I’ve ever mentioned the southern strategy the only response I get in return is “the demoncrats started the kkk” while completely ignoring the severe racist streak running thru the Republican party.

Look, far be it from me to put down other people’s hobbies and as I’m married to a gear head I do understand that some people have extra vehicles b/c they enjoy it. That said, someone stating they have 33 cars as a flex on another person is not impressive and more or less shows how colossally wasteful of human beings

A fetus is not yet an independent being known as a person or human and so long as it is integrally apart of the person’s body who is carrying it, it is THEIR BODY. It’s not that hard to understand when you’re not scientifically illiterate. Look up the zygote and get back to me. 

Correct me if I’m wrong but if only 6 republicans vote present, and Jeffries is still pulling 212 votes to McCarthy’s 202, wouldn’t Jeffries become Speaker? 

That’s what I’m hoping b/c as it stands Jeffries is closer, by double digit votes, to becoming Speaker than McCarthy is. Consistently he is just 6 votes shy. I’m also thinking that if enough Repubs jump ship and vote present it could mean Jeffries becomes Speaker by defacto as he has the most votes. 

GOOD! Reproductive rights are human rights. 

Couldn’t con enough “people” into buying that $8 blue check, eh Elon? 

That and owning ‘x’ number of cars isn’t the flex some think it is. 

I think it would be hilarious if these 20 GQP reps end up voting present, and Jeffries leads with a 212 majority to Kevin’s 202. Highly improbable but a boy can dream. 

I’m no legal eagle but doesn’t this violate porn and the adult entertainment industry’s free speech rights by unnecessarily limiting their speech and punishing them for posting 3rd part content? I swear there was a similar law somewhere like this that was struck down in the past. But alas, I got other work to do. 

So if Dems can’t beat the GQP at the ballot box why did the red wave never materialize and we grew our Senate majority? This is how stupid YOU A-C-T-U-A-L-L-Y are.