
LOL btw, nice giving your own self 1 star to make you fee like a “BIG MAN!”

LOL I’m not following you, I’m trolling you b/c it’s easy, fun and the more I do it the more unhinged you become for the public to see and for you to quickly move into digital irrelevance.


No you didn’t triggered would be what you look like. B/c the dems def beat the GQP in the ballot box, and the guy who ran against Santos did do oppo-research, the media just didn’t run with it. You really aren’t very good at this but’s clear reading comprehension isn’t your strong suite. 

Ah to be a fly on the wall in McCarthy’s office now. I do hope someone is recording..... ya know, for posterity!? 

I’m gonna burn thru so many microwaveable popcorn bags the next 2 years I should invest in Orville Redenbacher!
The flaming clown car careening out of control down the highway is just gearing up too! 

No leader of the house was elected today It happens.”

Amazing, literally every word you uttered in that run on sentence was untrue. 

I think the most surprising thing for me over this whole thing is how hyper masculine Andrew Tate’s response back to Gretta’s burn was how exceptionally un-masculine it was. For me and my crew, hanging around in our bathrobes, eating pizza and trash talking is called a ‘kiki.’ The only thing missing were some peep-toe

Ignore Bobby everyone, he’s having a right wing hissy fit that it’s all collapsing around him. Send your thoughts and prayers however.

btw, notice your posts being removed? HAHHAHAHAHAHAH

LOL someone needs a diaper changing!? Jeesh

I love how much you get triggered by all this. It’s quite interesting to see. 

Lol tantrum? I’m not the one cursing out anyone who calls out your asinine assumptions. Try again

Flagged, enjoy irrelevance! At least no one will have to read your imbecilic diatribes again. So there’s that

You’re not right, I don’t debate people who can’t be civil or make a coherent argument. Flagging all your comments. Enjoy wondering why you got “shadow-banned,” I’m sure you’ll never understand why.

OMG! That’s utterly horrific! 

You’re getting flagged. Learn how to have a civil discourse or know when to stfu

I have no idea what you are talking about b/c I’m 100% certain you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yeah name calling and personally attacking people a sound argument to convince others of the validity of your opinions does not make.
Every one of your discussion posts is dripping with nothing but hate and disdain. An old saying: “It’s a long road to wisdom, but a short road to being ignored.”