
Bobby, they control the house b/c of 2 things they do which have worked largely in the past when voter turn out wasn’t as high as it is now: gerrymandering and voter suppression. Nothing “smart” about rigging the system you claim is rigged against you when it becomes blatantly obviously the right only wants to rule,

Yeah the Dems are such clowns by passing the CHIP act, the infrastructure bill, the Protection of Marriage act, the inflation act, etc.... 
And beating down left wing candidates? AOC is still a rep, dude. Sit down, you’re done. 

Problem with Jordan is that he would cost the moderates dearly in 2024. 

It’s a shame. It makes us look foolish. If I didn’t know any better, it’s like the Democrats paid these people off... Let’s make it look like the Republicans can’t govern and don’t deserve any gavels whatsoever. That’s what it makes it look like.”

As opposed to any other year when the GQP held the majority?
This is

Jump, Elon! Jump!

I always found Cruz’s tweets interesting.
Interesting in just how little he understands the world around him. 

Man, 2022 sucked but it is closing out nicely. 

All told, Musk has tweeted, retweeted, or replied on Twitter more than 50 times in the past 24 hours.”

Dude seriously needs to get a life. That’s really just pathetic. 

And they’re not very good at owning anything but ultimately themselves in the process. The self pawnage party. 

“Woke” is just another version of the right wing “PC” griping b/c they feel they should be allowed to be the biggest assholes to people without consequences. There’s no such thing as “woke.” There are people who believe in treating others with respect and dignity, and then there are conservatives.  

Idk where you come from but what you described is not the case outside maybe Andrew Tate and his demented group of trolls who follow him.

Idk, his following afore mention meltdown seems to show there was some degree of damage done to his ego. Not to mention the follow up tweets from others jumping on the Tate beat down were quite hilarious. 

Great so instead of climate change, we will now confront more acidic rain.

Meanwhile Tesla stock continues to crash and burn. What a business genius!? Said no one ever.
This is also a great argument against those who like to say “rich people create jobs!” No, no they really do not. People with actual drive, ambition, intelligence, and a steady hand do. Ask anyone who has ever worked for

To all the “crypto-bros” a year ago touting how crypto is out of the hands of “big gov’t regulations”:

Ok, so I can now go and sit and block people from entering their churches so long as hand out pamphlets regarding all the atrocities committed by christianity? Time to start face to face encounters whilst tearing up some bibles. 

That’s already happened but they still side w/ the shooters even if the shooters go to jail ultimately. 

I think I’m really coming to hate Christianity. 

Which is why nothing gets better or done w/ this biploar nature we have going on every 2 years in our gov’t. It’d also be nice if people stopped bitching about gas prices as if the gov’t had any real control over it.

Ah yes, I’ve met that breed of horse before. Claims to be a “free thinker” then posits all debunked right wing claims as justification for backing horrible, racist, xenophobic candidates. I don’t think they were taking enough ivermectin when it was all the rage!?