
Any right leaning independents out there want to provide a rational reason why you think voting for a Republican is ever a good idea in light of the, once again, spectacle of the clown car on fire careening out of control down the freeway show ramping up?

In the free market, lying about your credentials, experience, education, and former places of employment gets you summarily terminated from the job. 

“no surprise that Congressman-elect Santos has enemies at The New York Times who are attempting to smear his good name with these defamatory allegations.”

Well ok then, prove them wrong! Shouldn’t be hard if you have the truth and facts on your side.

Furthermore, gay latino republican? Might as well be black and jewish

For those in the back:


Came on here to say just that. Whatever any right winger is proposing laws for you can guarantee they are doing the very thing they proclaim to be against.  

Oh you know the Jedi felt that one!?

Delete your twitter account. I did and I don’t miss it. Starve the beast.

We are prisoners to this country.”

I invite you to test your theory then and leave. 

If we had more time as a House majority I would say an easy legislative “F.U” we could deliver to these CPC’s would be to federally require them by law to staff licensed and trained medical professionals or otherwise face steep fines and facility closures.
The forced birth crowd has pushed similar laws on abortion

It still baffles me how any woman, or decent human being for that matter, can ever support a Republican. 

When the right talks about “small” gov’t, they mean petty. Bc these people are nothing but petty bigots. 

In related news: Gullible people believe just about anything. 

Anyone who thinks the “twitter files” are a big deal don’t have enough going on in their life to realize just how small and insignificant it actually is. 

What precisely do you think Biden can do? 

And these same people pushing this wonder why they can’t win elections. 

Pretty sure the boos he received is a clear and present sign that no one is afraid of Elon Musk. 

Wasn’t a huge Seinfield fan but one thing I did take way from it, that I’ve threatened to setup in my holiday house lighting tradition, is erecting a 25ft Festivus pole. Lit up with all the splendor of the other houses on my block, but just one big twinkling cast iron pole in which all grievances can be aired out.

Again, Republicans completely lack any and all self-circumspection. They literally were pummeled in the midterms b/c of their anti-abortion stances, but what do they do? Double down more.

This guy right here is a shining example as to why the GQP’s midterm autopsy on how they performed so terribly will only result in them doubling down on crazy more. Ideologues can never allow themselves to change their minds, even in the face of massive opposition and an avalanche of facts that contradict their

And had access to top secret national files w/o proper security clearances (Jared Kushner). But yeah, they’ll never investigate that!?

Party of “Accountability” for thee but not for me!?