
Yeahhhh, no comrad. 

In an earlier post days ago regarding the recent supreme court hearing I said they would claim discrimination when something similar invariably would happen to them. Not surprised. Hypocrisy and being able to realize it requires some modicum of self circumspection. These people have none. 

I’ve said it before and I will keep on saying it until it sinks in with more and more people: ICE needs to be disbanded and we need to bring back the INS. Immigration should never have been made into a para-military group patrolling our borders. The entire national conversation around immigration, having devolved from

Up next in our Dystopian Fashion Line

I’m happy she’s free but the cost was pretty steep in that trade.

Conservatives accused the tech company of playing politics and some alleged that, by suppressing the story, the company was attempting to help Joe Biden get elected.”

Oh the irony which is entirely lost on conservatives. So far these “twitter files” seem like much-a-do-about-nothing. Hunter Biden isn’t part of his

You wouldn’t see any stars tho. The camera isn’t setup to pic up that distance of imaging + w/ the sun’s light shining it would obscure any starlight the camera could pic up. 

Yes yes yes yes!

Well said! 

Dear Schumer,

This is awesome! Now all we need is one of the conservative justices to keel over and we can rebalance the court. 

Do you ever notice how racist deflections never seem to score any wins? Maybe you should try to be a better person and remain silent when these racist urges bubble up from below. Just saying

Elon’s concept of a productive work environment is starting to look more and more like solitary confinement typically reserved for incarceration.

I imagine what vestiges of Twitter employees are left you can see pressed against the glass windows, like sick children at a children’s hospital, looking down at the Market

Can some satanist, with a baking slant, please start up a bakery that actively discriminates against Christians? I’d like to watch the ensuing sanctimonious meltdown these jesus humpers would endure. 

My thoughts exactly. For once I’d just love to see the shoe on the other foot and watch these “christians” complain about discrimination of which that irony would entirely be lost on them. 

If I had money I’d start an atheist bake shop that would actively discriminate against christians. Just watch then how much they’d whine and complain and this whole “religious freedom” garbage would go right out the window b/c their feelies were hurt. 

We have whistle blower laws that protect people from the gov’t punishing people for pointing out wrong doing. What he did was trying to become famous and the right’s darling child against Obama so they could spin “how evil and corrupt Obama is.” It blew up in his face and that’s why he ran. He’s no hero, he’s a

Morning Joe said it the best earlier today:

Gawd I miss that man as our president. 

I wish I could give you more than just 1 star.