
I already voted, down ballot Democrat b/c the right wing are domestic terrorists and election deniers. 

No this is what the erosion of people’s reproductive freedom’s look like. Rights shouldn’t be subjected to a referendum b/c the people who are against it are scientifically illiterate religious zealots. 

They can’t debate Warnock on policy so they have to attack anything they can personally. This is the sign of a dead political party, they just don’t know it yet. 

What are some right leaning ideals that would benefit most Americans? B/c I don’t see any

This seems like a job for...

Anytime I meet someone who says they listen to Joe Rogan regularly I delete their contact from my phone. Stupidity is contagious and I value my intelligence too much. 

Please lift off this time! I feel like I’m gonna need some good news after next Tuesday. 

I still cannot believe these people will once again be allowed to retain the power of Congress. America is a failed Republic since we collectively can’t seem to remember what happened 15 minutes ago. The GQP should have been dismantled after Trump and Jan 6th but they’ve only become more rabid, hateful,

People, dump your Twitter accounts. It’s the only way to starve this beast. 

The point apparently went well over your head. 

Except the math doesn’t lie. He over paid for a company that’s never made a billion in revenue in a year, people are dropping off the platform fast, and charging $8 to the 415k users with the blue check doesn’t even come close to the fraction of income needed to cover the cost of this take over. Please point to the

I doubt many will stay for long. 

The problem with this tiktok is that there are varieties of office jobs, responsibilities, functions, coordination, etc. I work in an office job for a construction supply company, I can tell you it’s not just emails and meetings there’s actually a lot that goes into these things which you otherwise wouldn’t be able to

Your son is wise beyond his years. Good parenting! 

This stupid, ego stroking, wasteful tax payer spending, “military” branch needs to be rolled back into the airforce where it belongs. 

Again, then you need to have a more clearer picture and definition on what you are trying to convey.

No lie, it’s becoming scary how fast this nation is declining and how people seemingly don’t give a shit b/c of bs reasons. The fact Walker is now close to becoming a senator is embarrassing. 

I think you need a different definition then b/c what you’re talking about sounds a lot like state sponsored media, aka propaganda. I agree that bringing back the Fairness Doctrine would certainly help our media ecosystem however. But a public utility, private organizations are not and shouldn’t be for good reasons.

TV, newspapers and radio stations aren’t public utilities tho so I’m not sure why you think social media should be when those other mediums are not?

Anyone else having conflicted feelings on this now after the whole twitter fiasco?