
On case by case basis? W.T. Actual F. is wrong w/ these people? 

I would agree that the internet is a public utility, I still would never qualify social media as such however.

Social media is not a public utility. 

If we change the words around a bit I think we can make the name of the condition sting a bit more:


Sort of enjoying watching this slow moving train wreck. 

Mmmmmm you’d have a better point if it weren’t for those record profits. 

Got it, thank you for the thoughtful explanation! 

But the same can be said for Earth as well since it bulges on the equator due to gravitational forces and tangential momentum and that doesn’t screw with out polar orbital satellites. And I was in the understanding, so correct me if wrong, that this orbit wasn’t going to be a low altitude lunar orbit?

Musk stands on the shoulders of genius’ and claims all the credit. He is a moron with money, that’s all. 

What exactly is “uncharted” about an elliptical halo orbit?
Anyone who’s played enough KSP can tell you gravity works the same whether you traverse a mass spherical body latitudinally or longitudinally. 

It’s really only about cruelty, not about protecting the life of the mother, not about actually caring about some lump of cells, it’s really just about cruelty. 

I don’t necessarily think the Democrats do things poorly, I think people just expect the world to change on a dime and when it doesn’t happen at the speed of instant gratification they become sour, we swing back the other way, the GQP screws everything up, then the Dems are back to clean up the mess: rinse repeat. The

I live in the bay area and it’s amazing how often I’m told by those who don’t live here, never visited, and only listen to what they hear on TV that it’s a fecal matter covered metro area with nothing but crime and homelessness when the fact couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes those things exist, but not nearly to

MMMmmmmmm no. One has class, another has none.

Things is Jenner still looks like a man in a wig, Mulvaney looks like a lovey woman I’d enjoy sitting down and drinking some Rose with on a summer day. 

You’re right but that’s the problem right there and why it appears our gov’t is so dysfunctional. This is also why our politics has now more circulated around personality rather than policy. When there’s nothing to show on policy, personality is what gets debated, and that is where now matter what side of the aisle

None of which they actually have policy positions for!?

Economy: beside taxing the middle class for rich people welfare, what else?

The mess left by Bolsonaro likely won’t be so easy to clean up.”

This seems to be common theme regarding out going right wing gov’ts, one people all too easily forget by the next election cycle. 

Showing once again how the right has nothing but mud slinging. Can someone name a single GQP policy position which actually is popular to a plurality of Americans?