
De-activated my Twitter account Saturday. Get off now b/c this dumpster fire is gonna start raging and you don’t want your data to be consumed with it. 

If it only “sank” (partially submerged) only a year ago, why didn’t anyone try to re-float it and repair it? It’s not like we’re dealing in fathoms here. 

As if dark money in our elections wasn’t bad enough, let’s just super charge what’s made this country so polarized even worse! 

This is what happens when one political party believes violence is a “legitimate form of political discourse.”

And I hear Tucker Carlson is already casting doubt on the midterm election. These people want violence. 

The quiet was nice while it lasted. 

The right really is just saying the quiet part out loud now. They don’t want democracy, they want authoritarianism. They don’t want civility, they want civil war. The don’t want to lead, the only want to rule. They don’t want debate, they want decrees.
It’s really scary how fast and how far we’ve fallen in only 6

“Party of small government,” people!? So small, it now forces its way into your medical examination room!? 

I’m sorry but the political party that claimed the Jan 6th insurrection was nothing more than a “legitimate form of political discourse” have no place to whine about threats of violence.
But of course how dare we citizens get upset over 6 conservative justices who all said Roe was settled law during their (under oath)

Tucker Carlson deserves the Richard Spencer treatment. 

Dear Twitter Employees,

Anyone else catch the irony in Rubio’s statement considering earlier this year they all (the R’s) said that such actions are a “legitimate form of political discourse.”

A confederate flag carrying latino right wing activist? I’m not sure where to start on all that is wrong with that young man, but there certainly is a lot to unpack there. 

Richard Spencer getting decked upside his neo-nazi head is still one of the best clips of this decade. 

My grandfathers as well. 

So question: What did this family of Neanderthals die from that had them all together in the cave?

This article and these pictures need to go viral. 

Awwwwww leave my gas stove alone! It’s the one g*ddamned thing in my house I can actually depend on working! 

Dude, take the hint when your ideas are unfounded, unwanted, and then go shout at the wind like the crazies do. 

Please note I’m just ignoring you at this point.