
You haven’t provided facts, you provided conjecture and conspiracies from dubious authors, with no citations other than twitter links. There’s nothing you offered that counters any narrative I hold. I just don’t believe every opinion piece pushed on me as creed like it appears you do. 

Another rando “source” that’s pro-russia. 

Furthermore, looking thru your past discussions on Kinja, is there any low Russia would stoop to that you won’t defend?

I’m done debating you dude, the article you linked is literally all conjecture and conspiracy. You’re not worth the time. 

Dude, I don’t listen to sex offenders on conjecture with “citations” that are twitter links.

Maybe look up who is writing the “article”, chief:

Nah I’m good. I like to get my news from legit and accredited news outlets that actually provide citations, back up explanations, and expert input. Thanks!  

These forced birthers call us “extremists” when every damn day I read about another horror story that a woman and her family are put thru needlessly b/c of these scientifically illiterate religious zealots pushing their faith where it doesn’t belong. But yeah, we’re the “extremists” 

Da fuq is “consortium news” comrade?
Seriously, where do you people find these backwoods “journalistic news” outlets with nothing but propaganda and no citations?

I’m not shilling for Russia. I’m shilling for being anti-war, something liberals used to be. Now they’re over here starting a second cold war. It’s sad.”

^^^ The most bad faith argument ever made by a right winger.

Amazing all the stars we couldn’t see before. This telescope is a marvel of engineering and scientific ingenuity.

Is war profitable? Yes, no one disputes that. But you’re grasping at straws here with a flimsy justification as to why you think the Us would purposefully sabotage an ally with again no economic or strategic gain to be had. 
Russia meddling in Ukraine is everyone’s business, we need to strengthen our allies and

I can’t believe people will still vote for R’s in light of everything they have done in recent years from eroding the middle class further with the Trump tax scam, battering women’s rights, the whole claiming election fraud with out evidence, Jan 6th, suppressing minority voters, ramming thru justices who are woefully

I’m not even a woman but this story enrages me beyond belief. The cruelty of some of these “pro-life” politicians is so anger inducing I’m quaking in my chair feeling sorry for this poor woman. 

They’re saying it for those on the fence who likely sit out most elections. Compared to other western democracies, our voter turn out isn’t exactly stellar. 

The GQP race to the bottom continues. It’s amazing how deep that hole goes! 

We are looking for war and a way to blame them for starting it.”

Yeah no, we didn’t start this war, Russia 100% did and has attempted to extort the EU from helping Ukraine thru weaponizing the energy market. This would par for the course for them by trying to cripple the supply line and bring the EU to its knees. The

I’m less inclined to think we or our allies did it. We never shown any will to destroy infrastructure that would cause a detriment to our allies, where Russia has shown they’ll lob missiles into territory indiscriminately. Not to mention the relatively close proximity the pipelines are to Kalingrad which houses

I’m just relieved to hear she is safe and away from that psycho. I’ve helped a lot of women in my life escape similar situations. So glad this is resolving without any violence, not all are so lucky. 

The anti-intellectual and scientifically illiterate luddites will one day try to ban women from having periods they are THAT stupid.