
Oh gawd, we might actually have a job for....

This is what poor educational standards, a lack of intellectual curiosity, and utter illiteracy in science leads to: guys like Buldoc.

The economy and crime rates go up and down, people’s rights should not.

Could the delay between viewing the star becoming spaghettified and it’s material being flung from the accretion disk have something to do w/ the relativistic speed the accretion disk was moving at? We know that an outside observer would see whatever falls into a black hole to appear to stop and red shift out of

LOL whatever you need to tell yourself.

It’s utterly disgusting the right now thinks abortion is worse than INCEST!

I’m no scientist or anything but wouldn’t the true test be to launch the balloon into a low earth orbit, de-orbit it, and then see if it inflates fast enough to float before ever reaching anywhere near the surface? Ya know, like what will actually need to happen if we send a scientific dirigible there? 

Personality wins over looks 10 times out of 10. I’ve seen some of the most humble guys get the hottest girls not b/c they were hot, but b/c they treated them nicely and most importantly(!) made them laugh. Laughter is, I feel, the true to key to a person’s heart. 

I think the message moving forward should be: “Kindness costs you nothing, where hatred can cost you everything.”

May he sink into abject and utter destitute poverty and never recovers. Infowars and Jones have been and always were trash.

Ya know the best way to start making oneself more attractive? Stop being an asshole. Really, it’s amazing how much more respect you get when you respect others! 

It continues to spew non sense as if it meant anything to anyone other than itself.

It continues to speak none sense as if it means anything to anyone but itself. 

Speaking of telling yourself stuff, nothing that you said was remotely even inferred here in this comment section, that’s all you telling yourself to reinforce your very indefensible positions. 

im off to fuck more sluts now.”

Your right hand doesn’t count, Cleetus! 

Strange, doesn’t seem like you derailed anything and more like highlighted just how repugnant of an individual you, and your beliefs, are and turning more people off to your message. Actually you helped accomplish what I set out to do all by letting you be you. Thank you for your assistance.

LOL well it would appear more people think I’m actually in the right here. So again, take your own advice on mental health, and go get some. 

Again, name calling isn’t gonna make you happy, my life less awesome, or overcome your clear and present shortcomings as a human being. Maybe take some your own advice, regarding the mental health crisis in this country, and go get help.

But I think that’s the point. We need to show them that they really have nothing to say, and how indefensible their positions actually are. Just look at how fast “ILuvAShoeBox” crumpled up, called me some names, then left simply b/c I dispassionately challenged his positions on women and POC? We need to be challenging

I would but I’d rather not have that search result in my algorithm. Before you know it I’d be getting “Trump 2024,” “My Pillow,” and “Q-anon” ads everywhere. **barf**