
Yeah name calling isn’t gonna make you happy, my life less awesome, or overcome your clear and present shortcomings as a human being. Maybe take some your own advice, regarding the mental health crisis in this country, and go get help.

That’s really the kicker isn’t it? The self-entitled asshole part. It’s amazing how these guys expect to get with anyone when as soon as the open their mouth it is dripping w/ disdain for everyone and all people, as if the world singled them out and deprived them of some right!? No one has the right to dominion over

Also it is clear you don’t understand what feminism is and must be very insecure in your own masculinity if you let it bother you so much to hate women and POC as you afore mentioned. 

Strange, no where did I say “all disaffected young men are neckbeard incel losers.”
You really need to learn to listen to others, and not the ramblings about inside your head. 

Well considering POC and women are a vast and more diverse group than white incels, you would actually be painting w/ a wide brush there.

Demonstrably false? The dude lived in his mom’s basement and couldn’t hold down a part time job? Point out the falsehood? LOL!

Considering how infinitesimally small the incel community is, kind of hard to paint w/ a wide brush, no? Furthermore, if that community wanted a better image, maybe they’d have a less hateful and violent message? Idk, people are generally turned off by negativity and those who espouse it.

I don’t care as much about this trial as much as I care about the GA investigation. Word is, indictments will be coming in December, just in time for a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays for us all! 

Who said you need to look like Brad Pitt? My advice is straightforward and would yield results immediately. Anything’s got to be better than being a hateful, resentful, broke ass pos living in your mother’s basement at 35 y/o. So call me a “twat” all you want, I’m happily married, job, house, cars, and friends! LOL

Rainbow Fentanyl? Is anything these people say ever actually backed up by facts? I swear, someone in their echo chamber just makes up any outlandish story and they all just run with it like it’s truth. 

Dear Incels,

You could actually get a woman, and laid(!), if you stop acting like self-entitled assholes, throw away your guns, and move out of your mom’s basement. You may even make some friends along the way! Ya know, the kind which are successful, motivated, and respectful? The one’s who get the attention you so

See this is the problem w/ the “pro-life,” aka forced birth, movement: it’s all assumptions and beliefs, despite all the medical evidence and expert testimony which directly contradicts those beliefs. 

I’m so sorry for your upbringing but I’m so happy you chose to do better for your own son. Your story is very moving and touching and one can only hope there are more parents out there like you. 

I think this [abortion] has been a cancer on our body politic for 50 years”

Yeah b/c the religious right can’t seem to ever let anyone have their own privacy and so take blare horns to something which is otherwise none of their business. A vast majority of the nation would’ve been fine letting it be settled law.

The problem with this, and the reason judicial precedence was considered so very important, was to avoid a patchwork of state laws that allowed for rights in one state but not the other. Not to mention, whose to say that a state legislature is liberal one election cycle and votes to make it legal, but then next

Providing yet another example of how the right, and the religious, don’t actually give a shit about the morals they espouse b/c it’s not about that. It’s about having power and ramming thru whatever your myopic dogma dictates. 

And like wtf is a “neo-marxist” anyway? These people, I swear, conjure up words to sound smarter than they actually are.

I hope KSP2 devs are taking notice. Be fun to plan and launch a “Europa” like rover mission complete with lander, driller, and autonomous sub. 

At this point in history, and what they have tried pushing on a majority of Americans who reject their beliefs, no there is nuance, not any longer. 

I don’t simply hate it b/c Trump needed an ego boost, that just adds to my disdain of it. I hate it b/c it was entirely unnecessary and is a further waste of tax payer dollars that could’ve been earmarked for better use than the already over bloated military budget.