
Don’t refer to it as “purity culture” that’s not what this is. This is forced dogmatic belief of 1 religion being forced upon us. The people pushing this aren’t “pure” they’re evil, hateful, and vengeful. 

I just tell them, when I’ve been confronted by such folks, “Well Jesus never existed so I don’t care what you believe.”

There’s an old adage from KSP: “MOHR BOOSTERS!”

Hope this helps and good luck! 

Welcome to sift through all my Mun landers I built on Kerbal Space Program for inspiration! /s

Your post needs 100x more stars. 

When Florida finally submerges I’m going to be the first one hold a sign saying “Go Back to Where You Came From.” These people scoffed, laughed and ridiculed those of us scientifically literate enough to understand what was at stake. When the internal climate refugees from the red states start migrating, I’m going to

The small things small people concern themselves about is really small and sad.

You clearly do not understand what trans is based on all those examples.

Excuse me while I just freak out in excitement a little bit!

The current anti-intellectual and hate filled streak running thru the GQP? Yes, it started earlier but it could have been severely hobbled had Trump not won 2016. Big shout out to James Comey for that!? 

To now Trump stole classified documents. We’re really headed in the correct direction!? 

Everyone who sat out on voting in 2016 happy now? 

Sure what he said might not be scientifically inaccurate but the way he said and how he said it is so cringe. Feel like I need another shower. 

So far! I’m sure some of his endorsed candidates will win in November. But I’m cautiously optimistic that most of them won’t given everything that’s coming out, the legislative wins Biden has produced, the overturning of Roe and how so many people are p*ssed over that, and that Republicans STILL don’t have an agenda

100% agree with this. The 24 hr news cycle has a hand in the erosion of the national debate. 

Their attempts to scrub their websites of Trump and their anti-abortion stances just speaks volumes to the conniving and manipulating done by the GQP. Don’t fall for their lies. Every single SCOTUS member said Roe was codified law until they cynically stole reproductive rights away from people overturning 50 years of

I thank Trump for the total and utter collapse of the Republican party. Yesterday’s Alaska house seat flipping blue is a portend to this year’s midterms. 

There needs to be an answer to the far right extremism and I’m worried the only one is violence. These people don’t respond to human decency or respect b/c they have none. They don’t respond to facts or reason b/c it goes against their perception of what the world should be where “might makes right” and the ends

I got my spirit fingers wiggling in the air in hopes of a safe and successful launch! 

He’s gonna try and flee. That’s why they gave him his passports back. The feds are waiting to nab him.